American Idol 11 – The Top 12 Boys – Who Has a Chance?

AMERICAN IDOL: TOP 24 SEMIFINALISTS: The top 24 Semifinalists are chosen on AMERICAN IDOL airing Thursday, Feb. 23 on FOX. CR: Michael Becker / FOX.

Here’s a quick and dirty handicap of tonight’s Top 12 boys.  I’m predicting who I think will advance to the Top 12/13 as it stands now.   This list will change after the performances.  Look for a power list tomorrow afternoon.

Aaron Marcellus – What little we’ve heard of Marcellus shows promise. He’s got a gritty soulful vibe. He could have a moment if given a chance. – MAYBE

Adam Brock – Adam’s crocodile tears during Hollywood were kind of a turnoff during Hollywood.   The guy hasn’t demonstrated much beyond singing REAL LOUD.  There are better singers in this bunch – NO

Chase Likens – He’s had so little screen time, he’s going to have to be incredible tonight to distinguish himself from the pack.  – NO

Colton Dixon – Colton has  people. He’s is a shoe in to the Top 12, unless he pulls out a “Viva La Vida” disaster like Season 8’s Matt Giraud.  Like Matt, if he screws up, he’ll probably get a Wildcard spot on Thursday YES.

Creighton Fraker – He’s really going to have to shine tonight to advance. So far it’s been a lot of oversinging for Creighton. I say – NO

Deandre Brackensick – If Deandre pulls out a great performance tonight, he’ll have a shot – MAYBE

Eben Franckewitz – The youngsters and prolly some of the mom’s will go for this sweet kid.  He’s got a good chance to advance – YES

Heejun Han – Heejun is BELOVED. And for good reason. The world will end before he does not advance to the Top 12 – YES

Jeremy Rosado – This R&B singer is going to have to pull out the biggest weepiest ballad if he hopes to advance at all. But I’m going to say. (If he gets the pimp spot like the spoilers say–that increases his chances) –  MAYBE

Joshua Ledet – He hasn’t had enough screen time to make much of an impact, but like Aaron and Jeremy, if he pulls out a big moment, he could advance – MAYBE

Phillip Phillips – P2 has had tons of screen time and seems to have people. If he’s not picked, he’ll probably be wildcarded on Thursday – YES

Reed Grimm –  See p2 above – YES

There will be a 13th boy who will be either: David Leathers Jr., Jermaine Jones, Johnny Keyser and Richie Law.

If TPTB are looking for a contender who really has a chance to advance on the live shows, they will pick either David Leathers Jr. or Johnny Keyser tonight.

If this wildcard deal  is a dumb reality show stunt then they will go with Jermaine Jones or Richie Law (Either would be immediately eliminated)

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!