American Idol 10 TOP 5 SONG SPOILERS!!!!!

Thank you @MaskedScheduler! Who brings us SPOILERS FOR TONIGHT

#IDOL tonight..REM, Ga Ga, Righteous Brothers, Harry Nilsson, Elvis, Carrie Underwood, The Animals, Jordan Sparks et al

I’ll be back with my thoughts in a minute


Carrie Underwood – Scotty or Lauren
Jordin Sparks –  Lauren or Jacob
Lady Ga Ga – HALEY!  If its Jacob I will LMAO. Actually, I hope this happens, complete with a crazy GaGa outfit.  James might be able to rock Gaga too.
REM – James or possibly Haley. Although, REM has some country flavored tunes. If Scotty were feeling brave…

Then (1960s)

Righteous Brothers – Jacob, methinks.
Harry Nilsson – Could Scotty have decided to perform a song “Everybody’s Talking at Me” that he’s already rehearsed?
Elvis –  Lauren or Haley. Or maybe Scotty will go back to the well. But I think that would be a mistake.
The Animals – James. Has to be. Don’t sing “House of the Rising Sun” and piss off the Siobhan fans!

About mj santilli 35056 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!