Thank you @MaskedScheduler! Who brings us SPOILERS FOR TONIGHT
#IDOL tonight..REM, Ga Ga, Righteous Brothers, Harry Nilsson, Elvis, Carrie Underwood, The Animals, Jordan Sparks et al
I’ll be back with my thoughts in a minute
Carrie Underwood – Scotty or Lauren
Jordin Sparks – Lauren or Jacob
Lady Ga Ga – HALEY! If its Jacob I will LMAO. Actually, I hope this happens, complete with a crazy GaGa outfit. James might be able to rock Gaga too.
REM – James or possibly Haley. Although, REM has some country flavored tunes. If Scotty were feeling brave…
Then (1960s)
Righteous Brothers – Jacob, methinks.
Harry Nilsson – Could Scotty have decided to perform a song “Everybody’s Talking at Me” that he’s already rehearsed?
Elvis – Lauren or Haley. Or maybe Scotty will go back to the well. But I think that would be a mistake.
The Animals – James. Has to be. Don’t sing “House of the Rising Sun” and piss off the Siobhan fans!