Today’s roundup of Idol recaps. Keep checking back, I’ll be adding more…
American Idol Goes Wild for the Youth
American Idol hit up America’s Dairyland for its latest audition episode, but the theme of last night’s episode was youth. The show famously lowered its age floor to 15 as part of the many changes it made over the summer, a move designed to simulaneously lure in those people afflicted with Bieber fever and reverse the show’s demographic aging process. During the Milwaukee audition episode, it made the “new, younger blood” message explicit, with multiple people warbling Justin Bieber’s “Baby” and sporting the Canadian heartthrob’s haircut and Seacrest noting that every 15-year-old who auditioned on Day One of callbacks had made it through. Although it’s hard not to wonder if lots of those youthful contestants would have been sent to Hollywood had they been older.
Read more at Popdust
American Idol Recap: Milwaukee’s Best!
Tonight’s episode of American Idol — straight from the cheesehead state of Wisconsin (city of Milwaukee, to be specific) — played out like a light and breezy Jennifer Lopez rom-com with 15 minutes of harrowing emotional drama (think Requiem for a Dream or Precious or Winter’s Bone) grafted on at the end.
Read more at TVLine
More Recaps after the JUMP…
Idol: Interns and Exploitation
OK, on to the auditions. Scotty McCreery has been getting lots of buzz because of his age (16) and deep, twangy voice. But anyone who’s even a casual fan of country music know’s who he’s aping:
Read more at the Houston Chronicle
Episode 3: ‘American Idol’ Auditions In The Land Of Cheese
On Wednesday, “Idol” headed to Wisconsin, the land of cheese and Danny Gokey–which, come to think of it, are kind of the same thing. Heh. And after a couple of “kindler, gentler” episodes that were surprisingly light on trainwreck auditions, the show was back to its old tricks, with plenty of cheesy contestants that had newbie judges Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler slinging barbs that Simon Cowell would sell his entire black T-shirt collection to come up with.
Read more at Reality Rocks
Justin Bieber’s Shadow Hovers Over ‘American Idol’ Milwaukee Auditions
NEW YORK — American Idol continues to treat its youngest auditioners extra kindly, as Wednesday night’s episode showcasing the Milwaukee, Wis., tryouts saw every single 15-year-old getting a golden ticket to Hollywood, according to host Ryan Seacrest.
From Thia Megia, a California high school student (and former America’s Got Talent contestant) who impressed with a cover of Adele’s “Chasing Pavements, ” to Colorado native Emma Henry, who was given a second chance despite a shaky version of Cyndi Lauper’s “True Colors, ” the across-the-board kudos were further proof that Idol producers simply don’t want to risk missing the next teen sensation.
Read more at The Hollywood Reporter
‘Idol’ catches Bieber Fever in Milwaukee
In case you didn’t know, “American Idol” has a full-blown case of Bieber Fever.
The folks at Fox and 19 Entertainment can read a sales chart and a trending topic as well as anyone, and Justin Bieber is blowing up so hot that he makes Jennifer Lopez seem like some frumpy second banana from a 1950s sitcom.
But they have a plan to capitalize on that and to possibly give the show the shot in the arm it needs: The powers that be lowered the age limit to 15, the first step to what will presumably result in fifth-graders trying out by 2015.
Read more at MSNBC
‘American Idol’ recap: Now That’s What I Call a Sob Story!
Wednesday’s auditions episode of American Idol took place in Milwaukee — home of Danny Gokey, who now stands on the other side of the line of thousands of people and keeps the arena crowds alive with his comedy. As soon as I finish weeping about Chris Medina’s brain injury-addled fiancée and questioning what it all means and why I can’t ever appreciate anything I have, such as the abilities to type and snack…. I will move on.
Read more at Entertainment Weekly
‘American Idol’ Auditions: Milwaukee Recap
Heading into the second week of its tenth season, the ‘American Idol’ train made a stop in the city that claims bragging rights to a life-size bronze statue of Aruther Fonzarelli, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A stop that Ryan Seacrest told press ‘Idol’ would not miss, after the emergence of season eight third-placer and local hero, Danny Gokey.
Read more at TV Squad
‘Idol’ Courts the Biebers, Plus Another Possible Steven Tyler Love Child
“This is the unassuming season, ” declared Randy during this week’s Milwaukee auditions. Granted, it’s difficult to be anything but “unassuming” when your town’s claim to fame is cheese. (And Season 8’s Danny Gokey!)
That being said, Jackson’s statement has validity. Bullied ginger kids, portly crooners and image-impaired ingenues have helped form one of the running themes of Season 10: “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Tonight’s auditions continued along those lines with a White House intern, a friend-deprived auditor and, of course, a few talented teens.
Read more at The Wrap
‘American Idol’ Recap: Steven Tyler Is the Show’s New Star
It’s official — you can’t not love Steven Tyler.
The Aerosmith frontman is more Paula Abdul loopy than Simon Cowell cranky, but he’s always the life of the party.
Here’s a sampling of some of his best lines from Wednesday night’s “American Idol” auditions in Milwaukee:
Read more at Fox News
‘American Idol’: Season 10, episode 3
“American Idol’s” very first audition trip to Milwaukee sees a lot of other “firsts” for the long-running singing competition.
Joe Repka, for instance, is the first wannabe Idolette to channel Jackie Gleason for the camera, giving us his best “straight to the moon!” bit.
Joe wants to be a radio DJ. He and show host Ryan Seacrest talk radio for a while. Then, when he goes inside the audition room to wow the judges, his mom tells Seabiscuit that Joe sings all the time.
Read more at the Washington Post
American Idol: Notes on Pity
When Simon Cowell was waiting at the end of the judges table, waiting to render judgment, any goodwill accumulated on the way wasn’t generally long for the world.
That said, pity is a key factor in early “Idol” audition rounds and always has been. It only takes two out of three yes votes to make it through to Hollywood; in the Cowell era, it didn’t much matter if he dissented. When the other judges said yes, and he said no, he was painted as a grouch and the contestant – often a mediocre singer – was somehow ennobled.
Read more at The New York Times
‘American Idol’: The Milwaukee Auditions
Milwaukee was a mix of characters and talent, laughs and tears and some very angry rejections. As is becoming the norm, there were a lot of wacky one-liners and unabashed flirting from Steven Tyler.
There was a moving moment during the show that came from the talented Chris Medina, who is 26 years old. Engaged for two years and just two months from being married, his fiancée got into an accident and suffered a brain injury. The doctors said she wasn’t going to make it, but Chris believed in her and stood by despite her struggle. He wowed the judges with his voice and his soul.
Read more at The Wall Street Journal
‘American Idol’ recap with auditions in Milwaukee: youth and tears prevail
Chris Medina, this is your moment. He concluded the two hours with a captivating “Breakeven” that made me forget everything that went on before. The heart-rending storyline and Steven Tyler’s words to his girlfriend caused many a tear to shed across the nation tonight.
Read more at the Atlanta Journal Constitution
Milwaukee Auditions: Exploit, Exploit, Exploit!
Idol’s back in the homeland of Dead Wife Danny from season 8. You know, the guy who disgustingly exploited his dead wife to try to win a record deal. So I immediately expected everyone who tried out in Milwaukee to try to exploit something to win the record deal… and I wasn’t disappointed. The show built up to the most disgusting American Idol audition in the contest’s history slowly but surely. Here’s how the shamelessness went down.
Read more at Vote For The Worst
Milwaukee’s Beast: American Idol 10 auditions are still airing
As Thursday’s episode in New Orleans did not record and Wednesday’s began late for me last week, this is the first time I’ve seen the new American Idol opening, featuring Jennifer Hudson and Adam Lambert (they are STILL trying to make him happen-happen) along with the winners. They even have a separate White Guy With Guitar section featuring David Cook, Kris Allen, and Lee DeWyze (they are NEVER gonna try and make him happen). Guess what? The opening is still lame and it has not changed my life. Nor has it changed yours.
Read more at TopIdolBlog