American Idol 10 Los Angeles Auditions Recap Roundup

American Idol Recap: Tinseltown Travesty

I figured we were at least a few years away from the day that Fox would randomly bump American Idol from its regularly scheduled time slot, but tonight, the unthinkable happened. I flipped on my TV at 7:59 p.m., and the following programming information popped up on my screen:

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‘American Idol’ recap: California Screamin’

A few times during last night’s hour-long costume party on American Idol, I found myself staring deep into my microwave, which lives at least 80 degrees counterclockwise from my television. What goes on in there? Are the bacterias having more fun than me? Why is the door always open? I didn’t want to miss a thing, but there’s no way I did. Apparently L.A. offered so little talent that at one point there was just a bewildered Seacrest watching a fleet of assistants deliver snacks. And sure, this is powerful stuff in its own way. We’ll never know which one of Ryan’s bleep-happy “friends” kept ordering all those appies. I’ll be pondering it for hours. But come on.

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More recaps after the JUMP…


‘American Idol’ Auditions: Lackluster in Los Angeles (Video)

American Idol’s hometown proved to be a lackluster stop for season 10, yielding few promising contestants but plenty of “what the…” moments. It could be because the Los Angeles auditions were scheduled somewhat last-minute, and judging by the footage, looked woefully under-attended.

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American Idol, The Day After: Austin Recap

Last night’s “American Idol” episode in Austin, Texas was a bit of snoozer, with few standout auditioners, so in today’s edition of “The Day After, ” my Yahoo! Entertainment colleague Matt Whitfield and I focus our discussion on the judges. Does Steven Tyler’s behavior really warrant an apology? Is Jennifer Lopez jealous of Steven? Are J.Lo and S.Ty just too dang nice? Is Randy Jackson the new Mean Judge? We answer these questions (plus a contestant-related one: Is Casey Abrams the new Taylor Hicks?), along with several others.

See the Video at Reality Rocks


Welcome To The Bungle: Los Angeles ‘Idol’ Episode Disappoints

When it comes to “American Idol” auditions, L.A. usually delivers. If you’re looking for talent, Los Angeles–a city of dreams to which America’s young undiscovered hopefuls flock by the Greyhound busload daily–has got what you need. And if you want crazy? Well, L.A. is also your kind of town.

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Weirdos take over ‘Idol’ in Los Angeles

For the most part, “American Idol” has stuck to its promise to be kinder and gentler in the audition stages in season 10. But hey, the producers have to be looking ahead here, and every season finale needs some brutally terrible singers to come back for the sketches that help fritter away the two hours before the winner is announced.

Instead of spreading those people throughout the cities, it looked like “Idol” just brought all of the weirdos to Los Angeles. You can make your own joke about how seamlessly they fit into the established Hollywood scene.

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‘American Idol’ Los Angeles audition recap: Human Tornado, meet General Larry Platt!

“Idol” highlighted three of the better singers from other cities to open the show. That did not bode well for Los Angeles because we weren’t going to hear much better for the next 59 minutes.

Before this episode aired, I predicted L.A. would be a wasteland. It tends to attract the poseurs and idiots. Any real talent there has already been discovered. And based on the sampling of stuff they showed us this hour, “Idol” found crap. We only saw four people who were even remotely decent (and only one would make it to the top 40). Ryan didn’t even bother telling us this time how many made it, um, down the street to Hollywood.



‘American Idol’: Worst episode ever?

“American Idol” takes on the crazy town of Los Angeles, CA Thursday night (Feb. 3), plus the MySpace auditions are in the house. So in “Idol” land it’s still 2004? Got it.

That makes sense, since this episode is almost wall-to-wall bad/crazy auditions and that schtick hasn’t been funny since then.

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‘Idol’ Recap: I Was Wondering Where All the William Hungs Have Been Hiding

Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world, the “City of Dreams.” Well, after Thursday’s “Idol” auditions, a better moniker may be the “City of Delusions, ” as the Angeleno Idols have clearly broken with all reality when it comes to their star quality.

I guess we should’ve known when we found out MySpace was involved. That’s right, in a move as cutting edge as the Discman, “Idol” joined forces with the has-been of the social networking family. Some 16, 000 hopefuls auditioned via the site and the best were invited to Los Angeles (not to be confused with “Hollywood”) to sing for the judges.

Read more at The Wrap


‘American Idol’ Recap: Los Angeles Underwhelms

Was Thursday night’s (February 3) episode of “American Idol” the worst ever?!

That was the collective kvetch on the Internet after season 10’s Los Angeles auditions aired. Could that bold declaration actually be true? Let’s break down the hour and take a closer look.

Here’s everything that was awesome on Thursday night’s episode: Randy Jackson’s gold shoes.

Here’s everything that made me want to personally recreate Butthole Surfers’ Electriclarryland album cover: Everything else.

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‘American Idol’ Strikes Out In Los Angeles

Sure, there was some country talent in Austin, Texas, on Wednesday night, but you’d expect to find some serious players in Los Angeles, right? I mean, it’s the entertainment capital of the world.

Maybe they were trying to set us up for the good stuff to come, but Thursday night’s (February 3) “American Idol” episode was mostly a parade of the kind of jokey singers we haven’t seen as much of this year, from the just awful, to the seemingly certifiable and the just plain mediocre.

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‘American Idol’ Auditions: Los Angeles Recap

After Austin’s paltry offerings you might think Los Angeles, the showbiz capital of the world, would have more to offer than a man of questionable mental capacity in a feathered hat and wearing a costume adorned with bells, dancing to his own bizarre rendition of a James Brown tune.

Maybe we’ve come to expect too much of America’s number one TV talent show.

TV Squad


“American Idol” Hollywood Auditions Are A Bust

As Was/Not Was once put it, tonight was the night when the woodwork squeaked and out came the freaks.

Maybe it was being in Hollywood, where fantasy and self-delusion reign supreme, but “American Idol” reverted back to a display of oddballs, losers and crazies tonight, whereas over the course of its first three weeks it had mostly stuck to showcasing talent – a smarter move than tonight’s recreation of “The Gong Show.”

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‘American Idol’ The L.A. Auditions: TV Recap

There were a few angels, but it was mostly broken dreams on tonight’s “American Idol” in Los Angeles.

Victoria Garrett kicked it off with big stars in her eyes. If confidence were the key to an Idol title, this sweet gal would have owned it. But you need a smidge of talent too. She was so off key she inspired Steven Tyler to say: “You’re going to…Siberia.” Randy was even less kind: “You sound like one of those animals.”

Read more at the Wall Street Journal


Los Angeles Auditions Recap: Shit With a Plastic Umbrella

The Los Angeles auditions were terrible. Awful. The worst piece of crap episode I have had to watch in a long time. And if I can get even one funny joke out of this episode, I consider myself a genius. So let me know how I did. Can I turn shit into gold? Unlikely.

Victoria Garrett believes that God brought American Idol auditions to LA for a purpose and she’s that purpose. God is cruel. She sings terribly about being a lamb of God in a lamb-like vibrato. Yeah, this one is old before it starts. Bored.

Read more at Vote for the Worst


LA Crapfest: American Idol 10 Auditions hit a new low

Oh American Idol. What goodies will you bring us tonight? Where are you again? Oh yes. Los Angeles. It always cracks me up when Idol is in LA because they still tell people YOU’RE GOING TO HOLLYWOOD. Dude. You’re pretty much IN Hollywood.

Yes. I understand I missed a couple of episodes but I’m rather thankful because this ginger-haired Constantine Maroulis doppelganger (also) singing Bohemian Rhapsody is scaring the beejesus out of me. What the hell is a beejesus, anyway? It must be akin to say, a GOLDEN BIRTHDAY. And there’s that hoosier-haired blond teenager everyone just loves. And then there’s stoner-by-way-of-Boulder Casey Abrams who made a memorable debut in last night’s Austin auditions episode. Poor guy doesn’t know what he’s in for, going on American Idol.

Read more at Top Idol


Paul F. Tompkins Recaps American Idol’s L.A. Auditions

We start off by laughing in a young woman’s face. BAM! The first contestant is unencumbered by talent and the judges engage in a joyous session of outright derision. The target of their roasting gets a little bit of her own back when she later snipes to a sympathetic TV camera, “Not everyone can sing like ‘J.Lo’ [air quotes hers].” So she is saying, on television, on the show that includes J.Lo, “This lady Jennifer Lopez who can’t sing so well and has a singing career judged my singing.” I am somewhat surprised they aired that moment, but maybe they figure J.Lo will just fast-forward past anything that’s not herself when she watches the show at home.

Read more at New York Magazine

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!