Adam Lambert – iHeart Radio Awards – VIDEO and PHOTOS!

In a surprise and last minute addition, Adam Lambert appeared on the iHeart Music Awards Thursday night (5/1).

Check out the photos below. Green is the boys color! He looks fabulous. LOVE LOVE LOVE the shoes!

2014 iHeartRadio Music Awards - Arrivals

2014 iHeartRadio Music Awards - Arrivals

2014 iHeartRadio Music Awards - Arrivals

2014 iHeartRadio Music Awards - Red Carpet

Adam introduced the British alternative rock band, Bastille. He namechecked great British pop bands, which was perfect. Adam will be fronting one of the greatest British rock bands ever, when he goes out on tour with Queen this summer!

adam-iheart by mjsbigblog

Adam was featured in a video package sharing what life was like when he was a struggling artist. After high school, he moved into a tiny apartment in North Hollywood.  He didn’t have much money…or much food in that apartment.  There was so much uncertainty. “Do I keep chasing this crazy gypsy thing…an artist’s life” he wondered. He realized he wouldn’t be happy if he didn’t chase his dreams.

Watch it below!

adam-iheart-2 by mjsbigblog

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!