Here’s another Idol News roundup: According to this article in Reality TV Magazine, Bo Bice did an interview with John Kasich of the Fox News Channel program “Heartland”. Bo was Kasich’s red state oops ;), I
YIKES. Ok, first of all a correction. Miranda Tozier-Robbins, who detailed her experiences during the Boston auditions in this blog was not cut after the 2nd round as I said here. The second round is an audition in
I mentioned in my last post that Natalie Weiss would be coming back to Hollywood this year. She was part of top 44 contestant, Janay Castine’s, group sing. Somebody mentioned to me that Natalie was “robbed” after she was the only
Simon Cowell was raving about in the press a couple of weeks ago? Well according to an interview with USAToday yesterday the girl was disqualified from the competition because she didn’t have a valid Visa.
Hey — more news. I’ve read from a few sources, including a comment on my site here that Brad Kish was cut in Hollywood. Sorrow. Actually, not really. I’m sure he’s a really nice guy,
Becky O’Donahue, one of a set of twins, is also Hollywood-bound. Here’s a picture (left) but I’m not sure which one she is! The blog I linked in my last entry, written by Boston contestant Miranda
AI5 is just around the corner (starting in January) and I thought I’d post some of the rumors, news and gossip I’ve found around the Web. Apparently, Simon has found the next Idol : “The