I’m not sure I believe this report from Now Magazine, that Simon Cowell is considering a judges swap that would send Nicole Scherzinger across the pond to London to sit on the X Factor UK panel, and Kelly Rowland, who is judging the British show this season to the US.
The magazine quotes a source who says, “Simon thinks [Rowland] will be amazing on the US show” and notes that Scherzinger has had a “mixed reaction in the U.S.”
If the report is true, it’s an intriguing idea. Kelly Rowland, formerly of Destiny’s Child would get a much better reception in the US than Nicole. She’s a better judge, and a bigger star.
But, honestly, I don’t think Simon thinks that far ahead. He could wipe out the entire panel next season, right before the show is set for auditions, or even before it’s set to air. But if Simon is smart, he will make some changes. The ditzy Nicole and wooden host Steve Jones, specifically, are weak links.
An X Factor spokesperson says: ‘No decisions have been made regarding next ?year’s UK or US shows.’ And, an insider tells The Hollywood Reporter that no ” conversations of the sort have taken place and insists that all players are happy and focused on the season at hand.”
Read more at the Hollywood Reporter