Simon Cowell Speaks Out On X Factor Firings

Simon Cowell speaks out to Extra TV for the first time about the X Factor Monday Massacre, when Steve Jones, Paula Abdul and Nicole Sherzinger were all axed on the same day. L.A. Reid has since signed a contract for a second year.

Simon passes off responsibility to “they”–I’m assuming he means FOX–for the shakeup.  He said, the decisions were made “At the beginning of the year– and we were told it had to happen straight away.”

On keeping Paula Abdul, Cowell admitted, “I would’ve liked to have kept her. She was very gracious and I said that to her. She understands it’s business; it’s never personal.”

As for Nicole Scherzinger, Simon said, “I don’t think she’s mad. I think she’s disappointed.” But keeping L.A. Reid was important. “There’s not a record executive out there who is as good as him for the job.”

Simon debunked the rumor Beyoncewas in the running. “No. I have no idea where this rumor came from. I read it online that I offered her $100 million a year. It’s complete nonsense.”As for Mariah Carey? “I would love her, but you can’t expect someone who’s just had two kids to make the kind of commitment you would need on this show.”

Simonl thinks Madonna would be “great,” adding she would also be “expensive.” Katy Perry “would be fun — and she’s feisty.”

Source: Extra TV

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About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!