The Voice’s Ali Caldwell Says Elimination “Is What it Is”

THE VOICE -- "Live Semi Finals" Episode 1117B -- Pictured: Ali Caldwell -- (Photo by: Tyler Golden/NBC)

Coach Miley Cyrus appeared to have a special bond with her team members on The Voice making it was especially difficult to let go of her last two singers. Ali Caldwell took a chance on newbie Miley, and she doesn’t regret it. Week after week, the singer made songs her own using her impeccable phrasing and performance skills. Miley cheered her on all the way.

Earlier this week, eliminated contestant Ali Caldwell spoke with reporters about working with Miley and her journey on The Voice season 11.

What did you think your chances were of staying or going during the insta-save performance?

I had no idea. Honestly I was just going with the flow of whatever was happening. You really don’t know because everybody’s so talented. I really didn’t expect to be in the bottom three so you don’t know which way it’s going to go.

Can you name one specific thing you learned on The Voice that you’re going to apply in your future music career?

What I’ve learned from my vocal coach (Celani)–just certain ways on how to work my voice, and the proper way to sing, the proper way to use your instrument. [Also] professionalism [and] branding yourself and your artistry. Making sure that the world knows that you are a brand and you are an artist. I feel like being on the show has molded me more into who I am and it’s pretty awesome. I’m very happy with the outcome.

Did you see yourself making the final four? Did you think it was a long shot? Were you surprised by the results? 

I had no idea what to expect. So I made sure that I came into my performance and left my all on the stage and did the best that I possibly could. [I] made sure I showed the world that this is really my passion and this is what I love to do. That’s really the only job I had for Monday and going into Tuesday. I kept praying. I wasn’t expecting the [outcome]–whatever the decision was. But I was so okay and happy with where I was in the competition.  I felt like I did what I had to do here and I’m fine with it. It is what it is.

Could talk a little bit about what it’s like to work with Miley Cyrus and why you chose her in the first place?

I chose her in the first place because I’m one who goes off of my gut feeling and I’m also a fan of hers. I felt like it would be the most amazing thing to combine our worlds together — our music knowledge together. Exactly what I hoped would happen has happened–times infinity. Like, It’s beyond what I thought it would be and I’m just super grateful that I still remained on her team and she believed in me.

Not once have I ever been in the situation where I had to get stolen. I was never in the bottom two or anything. And I think it’s all because of the chemistry and the bond that was created [via] the belief in each other and the trust that we had in each other. It’s amazing – I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. The beautiful thing about it–it’s beyond the show.  The bond and the relationship will still be there no matter what and I think that’s very, very special.

Could you talk a little bit about your song choice on Monday (I Will Always Love You), which was the second Dolly Parton song you had done. The arrangement was really interesting because you melded Dolly and Whitney together. Could you talk a little bit about how you two came up with that?

It was so cool and unique how we came up with this idea. And that’s what made it so exciting for me. Not only am I a really huge fan of Whitney Houston–I grew up listening to her voice. It’s really because of her that I’m even singing. And then you have Dolly Parton who is the mastermind behind writing I Will Always Love You,  as well as other beautiful hits.

Being that [she’s] Miley’s Godmother,  it was so cool to even think about the idea to combine them both. Also that was a challenge for me to be able to do that. That came with a whole bunch of sleepless nights and driving myself crazy. It may sound easy — but it wasn’t easy at all, I had to find different areas to put Dolly in and then put Whitney in and [also] bring Ali Caldwell out. That’s what happened on that stage and I’m very happy about it.

What’s most difficult: choosing a song, making the song your own, and results night. From most difficult to least difficult.

I would have to say song choice. Because what I wanted to do was not [just] be in the R&B box, because when I do my shows back at home I touch on all genres of music. But for some reason R&B was slammed next to my name. The most difficult part for me was  trying to break out of that mold. [It] was a little bit difficult. But also it was fun because I got the chance to show the world that I’m influenced by all different kinds of music and not just one kind of music.

How did you feel about your instant save performances? Do you think Adam Levine’s speech ultimately influenced America to keep (Josh)? What he said about having something different in the finale with all the powerhouse voices.

I honestly feel a little weird about the decisions that [were] made from our save choice song. Because that was actually a song that I kept putting at the top of my list for me to perform on the show as a regular performance song. When they chose it as a save song I  a little upset. I felt like that was a strong song for me like it would be great look on the show during the competition. But it is what it is. I felt really good about my save song (Sledgehammer) — it’s a Rihanna song it’s an amazing song and she sounds amazing on it. It’s a very strong song, I feel like I did it justice. But so sad that I ended up going home. It sucks but it is what it…

From talking to previously eliminated contestants this season I’ve gathered people thought members of Miley’s team were either at an advantage or disadvantage. An advantage because she has a huge loyal following on social media. But a disadvantage because she’s a little polarizing. Some people worry that if people didn’t like Miley they wouldn’t vote for her team members. I just want to get your perspective on all of this and do you feel the results have anything to do with being on her team?

I feel like there [are] people who have their own opinion and thoughts towards Miley. But at the end of the day I don’t think it had anything to do with the results. Her following is her following and the world is the world, you know what I mean? Like it’s two different things. I don’t think her following controlled the results of what happened last night at all. She’s an amazing person–I’m totally behind her 100%. I have absolutely nothing negative to say about her–not one bit. It was the world’s decision not her fans. 

I’m sure you guys believe one person doesn’t deserve to win the voice more than anyone else competing this season. But are you rooting for one person in particular to win? Or are you anticipating one person in particular will win?

Everyone who’s still there is amazing so either way it goes we’re still going to celebrate. But for the record I love Sundance Head.

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!