The Voice Season 14 Recap: Knockouts 1 Live Blog (VIDEO)

THE VOICE -- "Knockout Rounds" -- Pictured: Kyla Jade -- (Photo by: Tyler Golden/NBC)

The Knockout rounds begin tonight on The Voice Season 14 with coaches Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Alicia Keys and American Idol OG winner and newbie Kelly Clarkson.  Carson Daly returns as host.  Join us as we LIVE BLOG the results and every performance.

The Voice Season 14 Song Spoilers – Knockouts 1

For the first time ever, each of the coaches will enlist the help of former The Voice winners to help team members prepare their performances. Team Adam has enlisted the help of Season 9 winner Jordan Smith. Team Blake has joined forces with reigning champ Chloe Kohanski, Season 13 winner Chris Blue has lent a hand to Team Alicia and Season 3 winner Cassadee Pope has helped Team Kelly.

Team members are paired up. After each singer performs a solo, their respective coach chooses a winner to move on to the Live Playoffs. The loser is eliminated unless stolen by another coach. A new twist this season allows each coach to save one contestant they feel deserves to move on. One save and one steal per coach. Twenty four singers will remain at the end of the round.

We start the Knockouts by checking in with Team Blake and his advisor the highest charting Knockout performer ever, current champion Chloe Kohanski.  She says it’s a crash course on the music industry.  Blake tells her no body can give better advice than her having just gone through this. Blake says he thinks Chloe’s going to be a superstar.  (Author Note:  She’s still my fave contestant ever!)

Team Blake Knockout:  Jaclyn Lovey – Put Your Records On  vs Kyla Jade – You Don’t Own Me

He paired them together because Jaclyn has a remarkable tone and Kyla has a powerful range.  Jaclyn gives Chloe respect for Total Eclipse.  Kyla was a background singer for Jennifer Hudson.  She wants to show Blake that she is not one dimensional and she’s passionate.  She’s singing you Don’t Own Me by Lesley Gore.  Chloe calls Kyla a tiger and says everything she does is so intentional.  Jaclyn says it’s intimidating going up Kyla because she has such skill and a background in music.  She has to show what she has that is unique.  She’s blessed to have worked with Alicia and Blake.  Jaclyn is signing Putting Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae.  Blake loves her soft, sweet tone.  Jaclyn wants to prove she was worth Blake’s steal.  Chloe tells her she has a beautiful, modern jazzy voice and she got chills.  Blake says this will come down to who has the most confidence.  Kyla has to step front and center and Jaclyn has to shake her nerves off.  

Jaclyn is up first, she is a little nervous but she has a gorgeous tone on this.  Adam tells Alicia she’s amazing.  She stumbles a little in the middle, sounds off key but she recovers nicely and has  a good head voice.

Kyla is standing at the mic and she has a big presence on this one.  Her voice is powerful, Kelly is out of her seat.   This is really good, she is slaying this song.  She’s obviously worked on her stage presence she is not being shy right now, and is delivering this song.  Jaclyn is one of my early favorites but Kyla just slayed that.  Four coach standing ovation and Kelly is in tears and out of her seat.  Adam fanning Kelly.

Adam says it’s a strange pairing.  Adam says Jaclyn has an angelic voice and Kyla was equally incredible.  Kelly compliments Kyla’s song choice and her version.  And in her brain she sounds like Kyla.  And tells Jaclyn she has a voice like a secret.  Alicia tells Jaclyn she’s magic and she was so free, and Kyla we just all died.  Blake tells Jaclyn that he learned something about her and she’s so good.  Kyla is beginning to own the front of the stage, and it has to do with what the song means to her.  The winner of this KnockOut is……………….   Kyla!  Jaclyn thanks Blake for the second chance and she’s grateful for the opportunity to work with Blake.  Jaclyn Lovey is eliminated.  Blake says Kyla made us feel it and that’s why she won.

The show introduces Cassadee and reminds the audience that there is longevity after the show.  She’s a CMT winner and a Grammy award nominee.  Kelly says Cassadee is smart and knowledgeable about what goes in the competition and after show.  Cassadee is excited!

Team Kelly Knockout:  Justin Kilgore – Shameless vs  Kaleb Lee – Free

Kelly says this is a strategy she doesn’t want her country votes to split.  Justin is super excited and said he’s obsessed with Cassadee Pope.  She’s been in our shoes.  Cassadee says she was so nervous for the Knockouts, but have a cookie and relax.  Justin is singing Shameless by Billy Joel in Garth Brooks style.  He wants to be shameless in this moment.  He’s had a lot of doors closed and got discouraged.  He went to pop and EDM and he realized he wants to be a country artist.  Kelly is bringing him out of his shell.  Cassadee tells him he has a raspiness to his voice, and it sounds like butter.  He’s captivating.  Kaleb is one of Kelly’s steals.  Kaleb shows Kelly a video of his kids thanking Kelly for stealing their Dad.  Kaleb wants to show off the emotional side of his voice.  Kelly can’t wait to rub this moment in Blake’s face.  She’s so excited that she stole Kelly!  Cassadee tells him it was so tasteful and the big moments were money.  Kaleb and Justin both bring a different style to country music.  Cassadee thinks this will be a tough Knockout, says Kaleb is a true artist and she will bring them both on tour if they want.  

Kaleb is up first.  He is standing at the mic with his guitar.  Adam says he likes it.  He has a nice tone and he is putting emotion into this delivery.  Adam says he’s dope.  The audience really likes this, he sounds good on this song.  He didn’t really move just stood and sang.

Justin is up next.  Tackling Garth is hard so this should be interesting to watch.  Justin has more personality on stage, but this is a big song.  This camera work is odd, he cracks a little on the big notes.  Big ending but it just lacked any punch.  I didn’t really like either of these much but Kaleb should win this.

Alicia says Justin she saw more of his range and Kaleb is a force to be reckoned with.  Adam tells Justin he had an intensity that didn’t go with the song.  Kaleb is purely country and the real deal.  Blake comes to Justin’s defense and says Garth’s version is more intense, says nerves got to him.  Regrets that he had to let Kaleb go.  Kelly tells Justin he’s a huge fan of his voice, his runs, and the difference he does in country music.  Kaleb she was impressed with him, and tells Blake he’s stupid.  The winner of this Knockout is…………. Kaleb!  Kelly is excited about Kaleb because he’s a solid country singer.  Justin says it’s been an incredible experience.  No steal and Justin Kilgore is eliminated.  Wow, a four chair turn gone versus a steal.

Jordan’s back to advise Team Adam, the top selling artist in Voice history!  Jordan has been focused on writing, new album in spring.  Adam tells him he’s the best singer ever, and he’s truly incredible.

Team Adam Knockout:  Jackie Foster – Bring Me to Life vs Mia Boostrom – Wade in the Water

Jackie is a steal because she has powerful voice and Mia is so good it will be a tough decision.  Jackie Foster gives props to Jordan Smith.  Jackie thanks Adam for stealing her.  She chose Adam because he has what she wants to be.  She’s in a female fronted rock band, but she also likes to be girly.  She is taking time off of college for this.  Jackie is singing Bring Me to Life by Evanscence.  She wants to be an alternate rock singer.  Jordan says his face is melted, and he would love to see her take it to the next level, and not be powerful all the time.  Mia shut down because people called her fat when she was young.  She started to feel confident and pursue music through wedding venues and clubs as she lost weight.  Mia is singing Wade in the Water.  Mia says Adam pushes her to the limits  and Jordan says yes to the limits of your patience.  Mia says the song has a grit to it.  Jordan says she’s an old song and she’s very special.   Adam says Mia came to life today.  Adam says it’s dead even and he doesn’t know what he’s going to do.  Adam tells Alicia he doesn’t want to lose either one of them.  

Jackie’s up first… she opens really nice, quieter she took Jordan’s advice.  She breaks out in the middle (some of her stage movements remind me of Christina Grimmie, may she rest in peace).  She’s comfortable on the stage but I don’t really like the song, her voice is undeniably powerful though. She hits some really big notes at the end, it was pretty good.  Audience loved it.  I felt like she was trying a bit too hard.

Mia’s up after the commercial.   She starts off really strong, Kelly says yeah.  This is a jazzy rendition of the song, and she does some unique things with her voice.  Kelly and Alicia are impressed.  Her voice is so different, and this song really fits her voice well.  Adam is on his feet before she’s finished.  That was really good, Kelly and Adam both standing.  She slayed that, Mia won that to me.

Blake tells Jackie that we now know a rock chick can win this show, and she’s good.  Mia is a surprise to him, and she was brilliant- gives it to Mia.  Kelly says Jackie has a crazy range and Mia is the dark horse.  She stepped into a story when Mia sang but she would pick Jackie.  Alicia says Jackie can go fresh places with her voice, and Mia has a beautiful, warm passionate voice.  Alicia would pick Jackie.  Adam tells Mia that he said she would be the big surprise, and she had a moment.  He tells Jackie that she did an incredible voice and that they both could be in the finale.  Says it’s a tie but the winner of this Knockout is……………..  Mia!  You could tell he really struggled with this decision.  Kelly hits her steal button for Jackie and Adam hits his save button.  Kelly says she should come back home to Team Kelly, and then Blake hits his steal button too.  Jackie is stunned.  Adam says they are just messing with him, but Jackie told him she wants to do rock music and he doesn’t think there’s any other place for her.  Kelly encourages her again to come home.  Blake says Adam was willing to let her walk away, and he is the only one who hasn’t kicked her out of the house.  Then at the very last moment Alicia hits her steal button too.  I really don’t get it she wasn’t THAT good, but maybe I’m missing something.  Alicia says she didn’t want to be left out of the excitement, and Alicia says she hasn’t kicked her out either.  Jackie chooses Alicia!  Jackie Foster advances on Team Alicia.  Alicia thinks she might have stolen a winner.  Adam is sad.  Jackie says Alicia spoke to her when she said rock came from the blues.

Team Blake Knockout:  Austin Giorgio – Almost Like Being in Love  vs. Spensha Baker – Broken Halos

He paired Austin and Spensha because they are both very specific in knowing what they want to do.  Austin loves jazz.  He wants to bring the millennials up to speed.  He’s singing a Nat King Cole It’s almost like being in love.  He is spicing it up.  Blake says he loves Austin’s confidence and he holds nothing back.  Chloe tells him his voice is rich and smooth.  She says he has an incredible gift and if he can embody the spirit of the people he looks up to he’ll have no problem.  Spensha says he knows how to perform and she’s swooning.  When Spensha was young she had a successful career in gospel music but she had lost passion for it.  She wants to create a sound in country.  She’s singing Broken Halos by Chris Stapleton.  She just had  friend pass away so she’s connected to why Chris wrote the song.  Blake likes the song choice because it combines the gospel sound with country.  Chloe says Blake has his work cut out for him because they are both so unique and different.  

Austin is up first and he’s all snapped up in a suit.  He’s embodying jazz stylistically in voice and look.  He’s very comfortable on stage.  His tone is smooth, reminds me of John Stevens from American Idol but a better singer.  Jazz isn’t my thing but he is entertaining.

Spensha is up after the break.  Alicia and Kelly both say they like her.  Spensha is standing at the mic and just singing the song.  She has an emotional connection to the song and it’s coming across.  The opening was tender, and she kicks it up in the middle.  Very nice vocal dynamics there.  She ends quietly, very tender.  She’s in tears. I feel like Spensha won that, but Austin would be a huge hit with the target demographic of the show.

Kelly tells her it was a soulful, country vibe that is really unique and she can’t wait to buy her record.  She tells Austin she loves his sexy, confidence.  Alicia says Austin I appreciate how he used the stage and talked to the audience.  She appreciated Spensha’s emotion, and how she felt about the moment in her life.  Gives it to Spensha.  Adam tells Austin he’s pure in his intentions but he wants to see the bad boy side of him.  Spensha has so much undiscovered, and Blake is an explosive combination as her coach.  Blake tells Austin he’s passionate for entertaining and Spensha had a clear connection to the song.  He says he’s a fan of both of them stylistically.  The winner of this Knockout is………. Spensha!   Blake says she can tear down some walls in country music.  Austin tells Blake thank you for his time and consideration.  Blake tells him you are one of a kind and I’m not letting you go!  BLAKE SAVES AUSTIN!  Austin is in tears… and he’s at a loss for words.  Spensha and Austin both move to the live playoffs on Team Blake.

Joining Alicia Keys is Chris Blue.  He’s excited to be here, he’s been recording.  Alicia is producing his songs.  Chris knows exactly what they are going through.

Team Alicia Knockout:  Johnny Bliss – Alive vs. Miya Bass – Castle on the Hill

They both have powerful voices, and the one who delivers will win.  Miya is very excited to see Chris and asks for his advice.  Johnny is singing Alive by Sia.  Johnny grew up surrounded by demons of drugs and alcohol and all he had was his music.  He’s defied the odds.  Chris says Johnny has a nice, soft texture to his voice, and he was drawn into his story.  Miya is in awe of Johnny’s voice and she was inspired.  Miya grew up in Queens, in a law enforcement family.  She was saved by Alicia in the battles.  She is singing Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran.  Chris says Miya attacks the stage with love and joy.  

Johnny is up first.  He’s a little hard to understand at the beginning but he has a powerful range that comes out in the chorus.  He’s hitting crazy notes.  Now he’s singing in Spanish, and this song really lets him belt on the chorus.  Audience loved it, solid performance.

Miya up after the break….  Miya has a smooth voice, and she puts unique runs into this song.  This song doesn’t really allow her to do as much with her voice, the middle is a bit boring and it ends kind of messy.  Meh that wasn’t anything special. Bad song choice.  Johnny should win this.

Alicia on her feet.  Adam says Johnny’s voice is dynamic and interesting and he liked how he switched to Spanish half way through.  Tells Miya the song presented some issues for her.  Blake says he would like to see Johnny do some fun stuff.  Miya didn’t  live up to her capabilities.  Blake gives it to Johnny.  Kelly tells Miya she wished she would have gone somewhere more because her voice has potential.  She liked Johnny doing something serious.  Alicia tells them they are electric energies, she loves Miya’s runs and Johnny poured everything he had into it.  The winner of this Knockout is………….  Johnny!  Alicia says Johnny hasn’t even gotten started.  Miya tells Alicia thank you.  Miya Bass is eliminated.  

Team Adam Knockout:  Drew Cole – Slow Hands vs. Jackie Verna – American Honey

Adam says this is the battle of potential going forward. Jackie gives props to Jordan, and knows he understands.  Drew is singing Slow Hands. He’s sole-infused rock pop, and he is used to singing with guitars.  He credits his Dad.  He feels like he can play guitar on this song, and show a soulful edge to a pop song.  Adam tells him he has old school feeling with a modern spin.  Jackie is dancing to the song.  Jordan loves Drew’s voice but he needs moments to shine.  Jackie is singing American Honey by Lady Antellebum.  She likes the style of country that the song is.  Jackie started in a pop R&B vibe, recovered from a car accident and found out that she loved country.  She lacks the confidence to back up her love for it.  Adam says Jackie’s voice is unknown potential.  Jordan says Jackie’s voice is as sweet as her heart, she needs to stay in the moment and pull the audience in.  They both sound really good in the previews so this knockout should be good!  

Drew is up first and Alicia says he is really good.  As expected, he has his guitar, he is totally comfortable up there.  This is a good song choice for him, he sounds good singing it and it’s perfect for his style.  Smooth, soul-op voice.  I like this performance.

Jackie is up after yet another commercial.  She has a solid country, pop voice.  Kelly yells yes.  Great song choice for her too, she hits some big notes and then brings them back tender.  Really solid… she’s GOOD.  I like the runs she puts in but doesn’t over do it and shows off her range.  This was a very close knockout. Not sure I can call a winner.

Blake said it was pretty evenly matched.   Drew has things about his style that he thinks Adam would like but Jackie is a country artist and Adam has always wanted to win with a country artist. Kelly says Drew has a cool voice, she’s a fan.  Jackie has a pure, angelic, big voice.  Alicia says Drew’s voice is special and Jackie has a pure tone with power.  Adam tells them he loves them both very much.  The winner of this Knockout is………….  Jackie!  Whoa!!  I though Drew was going to advance based on Adam’s love for artists like Drew.  A bit surprise.  Adam says Jackie’s voice sears but is not harsh.  Adam hits his SAVE button.  Blake then hits the steal button!  Blake tells Drew he’s an incredible vocalist and musician and a true artist.  And he has never turned his back on him.  Adam tells him he’s one of his favorites.  Drew chooses Adam again!   Jackie and Drew both advance to Knockouts on Team Adam.

Overall a strong night of Knockouts, better than I was expecting.  I agreed with the winners/eliminations for the most part as well.  Thanks for hanging with me!  Tomorrow more Knockouts and Blake and Adam have both used their saves!  We’ve also seen half of Blake and Adam’s teams already too.  We also have 1/2 of the limitations out of the way in the first episode.  Things should heat up tom.morow and next Monday with plenty of saves left.  Hm….  Interesting….

Advancing to the Knockouts:

Team Adam:

Mia Boostrom

Jackie Verna

Drew Cole (SAVE)

Team Alicia:

Johnny Bliss

Jackie Foster (STEAL)

Team Blake:

Kyla Jade

Spensha Baker

Austin Giorgio (SAVE)

Team Kelly:

Kaleb Lee


Jaclyn Lovey (Team Blake)

Justin Kilgore (Team Kelly)

Miya Bass (Team Alicia)

About Dana Meyers 27 Articles
I have a Masters degree in Human Resources & work in that field. I like to travel, read, decorate my house, play board games and spoil my three dogs and two grown daughters. I've been an American Idol fan since the first season and have watched The Voice since season 6.