Join us for the top 8 live results show. Two contestants will be eliminated tonight, based on iTunes votes, phone votes, and online votes. Each method is limited to ten votes each, but contestants that made it into the top ten of iTunes charts by 10am Eastern this morning, have their iTunes votes multiplied by 10. They were Cassadee, Melanie, and Nicholas. I think that ensures they are safe. The real drama will be between Amanda, Cody, Dez and Terry. What do you think will happen? What do you want to go? Why do you to stay? Post your thoughts in comments.
Carson introduces our coaches. The Muppets are in the house. Kermit will perform with Cee-lo. We get our standard recap. All the judges think their team won the night. Of course. More record breaking votes. Terry was number one on the rock chart. Melanie was number one on the alternative chart.
Amanda and Trevin sing Lady GaGa’s “Marry The Night.” Their outfits sparkle. Off we go to a break.
Carson reminds us two are going home, regardless of their team. Adam babbles about helping his contestants be the best. Cee-lo talks about calculated risk and making sure they become whole and themselves. Christina says if Dez goes home it would be unfortunate, but she would continue to support him. It’s not about the competition between the coaches, but about the contestants journeys after. She reminds us she lost a competition. Blake doesn’t think about people peeking to soon. There are no “moments” but a “ramp.”
Nicolas has his hair in a strange bun. He says if he wins he can help bring his family to a new level.
The first artist safe is Cassadee Pope! What a shocker. Good they got that done with first so we can save some drama.
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Cee-loo meets up with his old contestants. They go to Vegas to perform with the Muppets. Now the Muppets are in the coaches chairs, mimicking the judges. Here we go…Cee-lo Green and Kermit the Frog. Cee-lo is decked out. They sing “It’s Not Easy Feeling Green.” Cute.
Segment on pres-show rituals.
Carson asks Cody what the moment means to him. He says he’s a dreamer and has to believe it no matter what. Everything is possible.
America has saved Amanda Brown! Woot!
Cody, Melanie, Nicholas and Terry perform “The Rhythm of Love.” This is subdued and a nice change of pace for a group member.
Carson takes the contesants to his radio show. AMP 97.1.
Carson asks Terry where he goes from here. He says hopefully up!
America has saved Melanie!
Cassadee and Dez are singing “Hate That I Love You” by NeYoCompound and Rihanna. Snooze.
Dez says working with Christina was the best! He says he wants to stay one more week.
America has saved Nicholas!
Terry, Dez, Cody, and Trevin are left. As I predicted. It could go any way, I think. Cee-lo thanks Trevin and says they will be friends regardless. Christina says she believes there’s so much waiting for Dev either way. Blake calls Terry a rule-breaker and has faith and doesn’t think he’s going anywhere.
America has saved Terry!
America has saved Trevin!
Cassadee Pope – Team Blake
Amanda Brown – Team Adam
Melanie Martinez – Team Adam
Nicholas David – Team Cee-lo
Terry McDermmot – Team Blake
Trevin Hunte – Team Cee-lo
Cody Belew
Dez Duran
That’s a wrap. Dang. No more Bam Bam next week. Looks to me like it will be Team Adam or Team Blake again this year. Nicholas could slide in FTW.