Dancing With The Stars 15 – The All Star Finale! Recap and Videos

1st Place – Melissa & Tony
2nd Place – Shawn & Derek
3rd Place – Kelly & Val

I would have been OK with either Shawn or Melissa winning. Shawn & Derek had the flashiest routines, where Shawn’s gymnastics training was a bonus. But, Melissa & Tony weren’t as dazzling but they danced difficult routines well week in and week out. That moment where Tony lifted the trophy over his head as the confetti fell was great TV. I think I was more excited for Tony getting his first win than Melissa, if I’m being honest.

What do you think? Did the right couple win?

Which All Star Dancing with the Stars couple will take the mirror ball home? Will it be Melissa & Tony? Kelly and Val? Shawn & Derek?

We’ll find out tonight, so stick around while I live blog the DWTS all star finale!

The show opens with the DWTS troupe performing to some JAMES BROWN BABY.  The routine was choreographed by Lacey Schwimmer.  Now for a recap of last night’s performances.

Len announces the very last judges’ reprise of the season. Shawn, Derek and The Fierce 5 freestyle! Live TV is awesome! Tom got distracted, but he covered nicely.

Now, it’s time for DanceCenter. Jerry Rice’s painted eye is scaring me a little.

Instant dances! The couples have been rehearsing Latin dances in anticipation of their last performance for judges’ points.

The pairs will pick their style/song out of a bowl.  First is Kelly & Val, who  choose “The Cat and Mouse Jive”.   They are relived. Melissa & Tony pick “Life is a Highway Samba.” They are glad it’s not the Cha cha.  And Shawn & Derek are left with the “Respect Cha Cha.”  They have 1 hour to rehearse.

Bristol & Mark are back to dance. HOORAY. Not really. Next, it’s Pamela doing a stripper dance with a troupe of boys. So, where is her partner? Two Worst Dancers Ever.

Helio and Chelsie are next. Fun shots of Chelsie behaving totally confused. “I don’t feel so bad about before,” jokes Tom.

Drew Lachey and Anna…introducing Drew’s adorable little daughter Isabella. Lots of fun lifts with daddy.

Next, is a video featuring VIDEO CONFESSIONS from the all stars.

Now for some LULZ Team Gangham dance to “Gangham Style”. Oh look Maks without a shirt. GILLES IN A TOWEL. This routine was such a lulzy train wreck.

Brooke interrupts Kelly & Val to ask how it’s going. Kelly is happy to be performing an uptempo dance.

Next, a video featuring Joey Fatone going back in time, Back to the Future style to tell his old self to learn the Cha Cha, and to lay off the French Fries. That’s before Joey and Kym dance a futuristic Cha Cha with two young mini-mes.

After more recap blah blah, Sabrina & Louis perform a tango.

Time to bug Melissa & Tony while they rehearse. This is Tony’s first instant dance. They practiced 3 extra routines all week. Brooke calls it “borderline cruel.”

Next it’s Team Call Me Maybe reprising their routine. Drew & Anna had to join them because two of the couples in that routine, Melissa & Tony and Shawn & Derek are in the final.

Next, more fun with Dance Center. Snarky reviews of Gilles and Apolo’s propensity for shedding their shirts.

Kirstie and Maks take to the dance floor, then Gilles and Peta’s Bollywood. Two men who need to take their shirts off as often as possible.

At the bottom of the leader board, Shawn & Derek tell Brooke they feel the pressure to earn good scores on their Cha cha.

Apolo and Karina perform their “cancer dance” next. Emmett & Cheryl cha cha cha to Aretha.

And we’re back to Dance Center, where Jerry Rice and Kenny Maines “analyze” the finalists.

It’s time for instant dances!

Kelly & Val – Jive – “Cat and Mouse” – Ne Yo is wishing Kelly and Val good luck on their performance. Am I missing something? Am I the only one who finds Kelly whiney and annoying? Shirtless Val. Yay. Len says, “You’ve been a revelation. You’re clean, crisp. You’ve nailed the footwork. Well done.” Bruno says, “That was something going on there. Sometimes you lost a little banlance.” Carrie says, “You guys were absolutely in sync the entire time.” Val says he got a little emotional at the end of the instant dance. Kelly says she has an amazing friendship with Val. OMG I THOUGHT THEY WERE DATING. NOT. Carrie Ann – 9.5, Len 9.5, Bruno – 9.5 – 28.5 87.5

Melissa & Tony – Samba – “Live is a Highway” – These are short little dances! Bruno says, “You are turning into a South American Siren. Plenty of sex appeal. Great job.” Carrie Ann, “Pure artistry, grace, but you rushed the dance a little.” Len says, “You’ve been my greatest pleasure to watch.” Hm. The routine didn’t impress as much as last night’s Samba. No perfect scores. – Carrie Ann – 9.5, Len 9.5, Bruno – 9.5 – 28.5 – 88.5

Shawn & Derek – Cha Cha Cha – “Respect” – They didn’t want the cha cha either. Oh well. Derek gets choked up talking about Shawn. “She’s my little spark,” he says. The crowd loves it! Carrie Ann says, “I think you started out the season as a star. You ended with that star studded performance.” Len says, “You’re the no stress express. That was fantastic.” Bruno says, “You’re going out with a bang! Perfection.” Carrie Ann – 10, Len – 10, Bruno – 10 – 30 – 87

Time for results! The first elimination! 3rd place goes to…Kelly & Val. No surprise there! Time to reveal the champion! Melissa & Tony!!! Everyone loves an underdog! Tony has never gotten past WEEK 4! And Melissa finally wins a Mirror ball. The cast lift them up on their shoulders while the confetti flies. Whoo!

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!