Once again, I’ll be live blogging The Voice tonight. MJ will update the post with videos later. Please let us know what you think of tonight’s show in the comments!
Click to Download The Voice Performances from iTunes
Recap of coaches teams thus far. They are looking for special voices and will fight hard, Carson says.
First up is Sylvia Yacoub. “The Only Girl in the World.” She grew up in Egypt. It’s not easy for women over there, she claims. Her dad moved them to the U.S. She’s doing it for her mom. She has an interest in law, but music is her passion. Xtina pushes her button. Then Blake and Cee-lo. Adam is the only hold out. Xtina thinks it was fun and believes she has a voice. Blake thinks she got better as the chairs turned. Cee-lo says she’s the only girl in the world. He tells Blake to shut up and wants her to be on his team. She goes with her heart and Xtina.
The parrot is back. It looks like Cee-lo and Xtina color-coordinated in wardrobe before the show. That’s a lot of shiny white. Blake and Adam, too–just not white or shiny.
IJ Quinn. “Virtual Insanity.” He’s a North Carolinan who works on his family’s hog farm. He says he sounds like a girl, but isn’t worried. He will get turning chairs, he predicts. Otherwise it’s back to the farm. Not digging this. I think it’s back to the farm. No chairs so far. Adam claps, but nobody pressed their buttons. Adam says he sounds like a girl and strained too hard. IJ wonders what girl sings “Virtual Insanity.” Xtina tells him to keep up the energy. All the male judges thought he was a girl.
Charlie Rey. “Home.” He works at a car shop owned by his dad. His dad has high levels of carbon monoxide in his blood and Charlie is doing the Voice for him. Making the show is the coolest thing ever, he says. He can’t wait to show America he can sing. He’s going to sing his butt off. He’s also done with carbon monoxide. He starts off really subtle, but builds. Blake presses his button. Then Adam. Blake curses. Blake calls him cool and confident and wants to be a part of it. Cee-lo enjoyed it. Adam heard a refined quality in his voice and claims he’s a better coach than Blake. Blake and Adam spar. Blake opens his arms and tells him to come home. Commercial before the decision. Drama! Charlie chooses Blake! Blake predicts team Adam will crumble.
Amanda Brown. “Valerie.” She’s from the Bronx. She grew up singing gospel, but then she heard Radiohead. Now she likes all genres. She used to sing background for Adele and traveled the world. She wants to be a solo artist and hopes to get one of the coaches to help her. Nobody is turning. Cee-lo finally turns. He said the end of the song was great. Adam and Xtina agree. Amanda tells Cee-lo he won’t regret pushing his button.
Download full auditions on itunes. MJ will provide a link later.
Adam hasn’t landed an artist today, but has two slots left.
Yolanda Barber is a 55 year-old singer who did random gigs in LA before becoming a cruise ship singer. She’s never had a manager. I suspect she’s a strong woman. Her son seems to adore her. She got laid off from the cruise ship and now drives a school bus. Nobody turns for her. They all praise her and agree she’s too good to be driving a bus. She has a sparkly outfit and a classy personality. I accidentally deleted the more detailed version of this and am not sure I can get it back.
Cassadee Pope. “Torn.” She left her band to go solo. She toured with Fall Out Boy and toured the world. Carson shows her a video of Pete Wentz showing his support. She says he’s awesome. She’s living off old band profits (I didn’t catch the name of her band, but I’m sure a quick google search will yield results for the curious). She’s going to leave it on the stage, she says. I like her red shoes. All the judges turn for her (was that the reason for the song choice?). Crowd loves it. Standing O’s from the judges. Adam calls it amazing. Xtina says she can do it all and would love to have her. Adam would be honored to have her on his team and says he knows what to do with her. They all fight a bit over this chick. Blake believes she is a superstar. She goes with her gut and chooses Blake. Xtina makes stank face. Blake looks self-satisfied. He points and laughs at the other judges. Cee-lo cracks up at Blake’s shenanigans. Blake then says insincerely that he doesn’t want to rub it in. Ha.
Thaat’s a wrap. What did you think? Who was your favorite? Which coach do you think has the strongest team? Will you stick around for the battle rounds? What do you think about the steal?