It’s week 2 of the Battle Rounds on the Voice. I’ll be live blogging the action right here.
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Now I remember why I didn’t care for the battle rounds. They are pointless! Tonight’s rounds were so seemingly rigged for chosen one vs fodder, there was a total lack of suspense. It’s laughable to pair up a rocker girl and and folk singer and then set the duo up with a Rod Stewart song. Who do you think is going to win THAT battle?
The Jamar Rogers vs. Jamie Lono battle was literally painful to watch. Jamie had the weaker voice. He lost his nerve because he knew he was going to get creamed. It was a one two punch, with Jamar as the clear winner YAWN.
Matching up the outgoing and experienced Charlotte Sometimes against the tentative Lex was also a pretty big joke.
The first battle between Geoff and Sera was actually pretty evenly matched, but I could not imagine Christina eliminating the girl she sang on stage with during the blind auditions.
The only battle that surprised me was Whitney vs Kim. I was sure Adam would go for the younger contestant. Actually, I preferred Whitney, myself. She seemed more versatile to me. But they’ve got to keep some diversity in the final rounds, I suppose.
Two more weeks of this battle rounds stuff and then on to the live shows. And not a moment too soon.
Team Christina:
Geoff McBride vs Sera Hill – “Chain of Fools” – Sarah is the contestant who coaxed Christina on stage during the blind auditions. Sarah is a little intimidated by Geoff, so she decides to pull out the diva card. Geoff is 51 years old. He’ll be working with Lionel Richie. Lionel steps back when Geoff sings, as if he’s been hit by a gust of wind. He tells him to make sure to challenge Sera back when she does her diva thing. Lionel says he’s got to give personality and character. Also, if he can–take off his glasses. Sera will be mentored by Jewel. Christina liked her “crispy and precise” runs and appreciates her emotion. Jeff has volume, but Sarah has heart and emotion, says Jewel.
Cee L0: Energy was high. Geoff kept more control. Blake: Says both are giving everything they’ve got. He goes with Sera because she “turns him on”. Adam: felt it was more of a show for Sera, but Geoff was more in the moment. Christina likes Sera’s technical prowess, but loves Geoff’s power. I thought this duo was pretty evenly matched. But as it oftne does, youth wins out! Sera wins the battle.
Sera Hill wins the Battle
Team Blake
Charlotte Sometimes vs Lex Land – “Pumped up Kicks” by Foster the People – Charlotte had a major label contract at one point. Lex Lands is the nervous nellie that barely made it through the auditions. This does not sound like a fair fight. Blake chose the duos because of their personalities. Charlotte is outgoing, Lex is shy. She’s going to get eaten alive. Kelly Clarkson advises Charlotte. Kelly says she’s got a “killer” vibe. Charlotte has to be careful that she doesn’t appear to be showing off. Miranda Lambert mentors Lex. Miranda likes Charlotte’s “mystery”. Don’t seem intimidated, says Blake. Charlotte wants to “destroy” Lex. Lex feels like she’s battling with herself.
In the battle, Charlotte overpowers Lex completely, but when Lex sings solo she’s got some interesting phrasing and a very interesting tone. I preferred her, in a way, although her lack of experience could hurt her in the live shows. Charlotte is ready for this. Christina likes Lex’s breathy and airy tones. Charlotte was “sassy” and calm. It’s a tough one. Cee Lo: He liked Charlotte’s attitude, and would have picked her. Adam: Liked their rapport. Adam would chose Lex because she opened up more as the song went on. Blake: Thought Lex was pitchy-Charlotte had more control. Lex took more risks. Blake chooses Charlotte.
Charlotte Sometimes wins the Battle
Team Cee Lo
Juliet Simms vs Sarah Golden “Stay With Me” by Rod Stewart – Juliette sang “Oh Darling” in the auditions. Sarah is the Texas folk singer who sang “You and I”. – Geez this is another unfair matchup. This is boring as hell. Juliet has the rock edge, while Sarah is a folksinger. Juliet is a babe, Sarah is a tomboy. We’ll see how this turns out. Babyface mentors Sarah. He tells her to keep “the country yodel”. Ne-Yo advises Juliet. He tells her to pick her spots for her big growl. That growl will get annoying fast.
Personally, I prefer Sarah’s voice. It’s smoother and more soulful. Juliet’s got this nasally gravel that just grates on my last nerve because she overuses it. Sarah has an organic sound that is more natural and true. I believe what she sings. Juliet is all show. Adam: You’re both great singers. He picks Juliet. Blake likes Sarah’s versatility. He picks her. Christina doesn’t think the song did Sarah’s voice justice. She picks Juliet. Cee Lo picks Juliet. Of course. This song pick did Sarah no favors. A really unfair fight. I am officially bored with these rounds that feel about on par with wrestling.
Juliet Simms wins the Battle
Team Adam
Whitney Myer Vs. Kim Yarbrough – “No Drama” by Mary J. Blige – Kim is the 51 year old singer looking for a second chance. All 4 coaches turned for Whitney, who sings with her family. Whitney’s mentor is Alanis Morissette. Alanis tells her not to cut off her words. Adam says DON’T try to overpower her. “Be present” says Alanis. Whitney thinks she has the disadvantage because she’s younger. Robin Thicke works with Kim. Robin suggests she adds tension to her voice.
Whitney voice has more flavor, more colors. Kim is a powerhouse belter, with a heavier tone. Personally, I prefer Whitney. Her style and phrasing has more versatility. Not sure I could deal with a steady diet of Kim vocals. Blake: That was awesome! He felt like he was watching one of those “diva” concerts. He picks Carson! Nice dodge. Christina: Whitney had the higher end, she liked the confident richness of her voice. Cee Lo: says the song was for a grown woman to sing. He picks Kim. Adam thinks they both have bright futures ahead of them. The winner of this battle is Kim.
Kim Yarbrough Wins the Battle
Team Christina
Lindsey Pavao vs Lee Koch – “Heart Shaped Box” by Nirvana – Linda is the indie artist who all 4 coaches fought over. Lee is the baker who wants to be a singer. This is one of Lindsey’s favorite songs. Lee barely knows it. Jewel advises Lee. Jewel says he has to understand the words in his own way and has to pronounce the words. Jewel doesn’t seem entirely impressed with Lee. Lionel Richie advises Lindsey. Christina tells her to get out of her head. Lionel coaches her on how to be more engaged.
This was set up as a foregone conclusion, but it hardly is. Lee’s got a very arresting tone and his phrasing is fantastic. He’s selling this in a way Lindsey isn’t. She’s OK, but I don’t find her performance here very distinctive. She’s pitchy. I can feel Lee’s performance in my gut. Cee Lo: likes Lindsey’s quiet confidence. Lee was inventive and original. He picks Lee ’cause he reminded him of Jesus. Adam: Thought Lee’s performance was creepy, in a good way. He picks Lee. Blake has never heard the song. tsk tsk. He picks Lindsey. Christina is proud of Lee, Lindsey followed her direction. The winner is Lindsey. Ugh.
Lindsey Paveo Wins the Battle
Team Cee Lo
Jamar Rogers vs Jamie Lono – “I Want To Know What Love Is” by Foreigner – Well, you know Jamar. He was on Idol with best friend Danny Gokey. He’s also HIV positive. Jamie makes sandwiches. Babyface advises Jamie, who is helping him with his “weaker points” Jamie’s voice keeps cracking–he’s pushing too hard. Jamie is nervous and lacks confidence. “You need to do what your voice tells you to do,” says Babyface. Jamar rehearses with Ne-Yo. Wow. this is another totally unfair fight.
Jamie is getting CREAMED by Jamar he’s so obviously fodder in this match, it’s painful to watch. Oh. His voice is cracking. Jamie is singing circles around him. Blargh. That was a blood bath and not the least bit enjoyable to watch. Adam: Jamar, you owned it. Adam regrets not turning around. Blake: He loves his vibe. Christina: Didn’t think he was good on the choruses. She likes Jamar’s “singers vein”. Cee Lo noted Jamie’s nerves. He admires Jamar’s perseverance. Cee Lo picks Jamar. LOL Cee Lo pretends like he’s thinking about it. Whoa. Jamie has NO confidence. He says maybe the reason he was there was to allow Jamar to win.
Jamar Rogers Wins the Battle