Welcome back peeps! The Voice Season 12 premieres TONIGHT at 8 pm on NBC.
FYI: The Voice will air THREE NIGHTS this week! Blind Auditions part 1 is tonight, Blind Auditions Part 2 airs Tuesday at 8 pm ET (before the president’s speech at 9 pm ET) and NBC will air The Voice BLIND AUDITIONS PART 3, a 1 hour episode, on THURSDAY MARCH 2 at 8 pm ET!
Click for updated The Voice Season 12 Schedule
Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani and Alicia Keys will be sitting in the big red chairs this cycle, while Carson Daly returns to host.
Got a SLEW of SPOILERS for tonight’s episode. Click for Contestants, Song Choices, iTunes Links and RESULTS.
PLUS The Voice Season 12 Contestant Spoilers
Here we go!
JChosen 29 – Albany Georgia – Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye – (Click for Preview) – He played basketball in high school, but then messed up his knee. His NBA dreams were dashed. Now, he wants to make a career in music. Currently, he works with special needs kids. He’s got a wife and kid. He hopes to be a better father than his own dad. JChosen is his stage name, because he feels “chosen” or…something. Four turns! Adam is up on his feet dancing. I think Alicia is about to have a cow. She gets up out of her seat to stand behind Gwen’s chair. He’s got a smooth, pleasant soul croon. Nice phrasing. Gwen isn’t feeling confident. J calls 4 chairs “a dream come true.” Adam insists he can win the show. One of his stock come ons. Alicia says “Marvin Gaye is in heaven…” clapping. She appreciates his vulnerability. Gwen calls his approach present, full of gratitude and instinctual. She talks about giving and receiving the gift of music. Her pitch is heartfelt. Gwen brags that she’s a woman, but has also worked in all male bands. Blake reminds him that he’s won the show more than anyone. J Chooses Team Gwen! She’s shocked. He’s looking for a coach with a diverse background. – Download at iTunes
Lauren Duski 25 – Gaylord Michigan – You Were Meant for Me by Jewell – She comes from a family of tone deaf dentists. She went to college, got a degree in psychology, but then decided NOT to go on to medical school. She eventually moved to Nashville. Her rendition of the classic Jewell tune is slow and ballady. She has a sweet, dusky voice. Adam turns RIGHT away. Blake and Gwen turn next, to Adam’s dismay. She describes herself as a country singer? You’d never know from this performance. She’s got a Sara Bareilles vibe here. Adam thought she took the song to a new place. Gwen appreciates that she uses every part of her voice. She’d work on helping Lauren tell a story. “You can clearly win this,” says Blake. Adam touts a “genreless” approach. Blake snarks about “genreless” radio stations–they don’t exist. He would be correct. Gwen brags about her connection to…Blake. She’s been to his concerts! “I haven’t missed one,” Blake snarks. Lauren Chooses Team Blake. – Download at iTunes
Johnny Hayes – 29 – Mobile Alabama – Try a Little Tenderness by Otis Redding – The singer returns from last season after getting no turns. I remember thinking this guy was robbed last year. He helps with his dad’s landscaping business. His wife is super supportive. The song choice is his and his wife’s “song.” Adam and Gwen turn right away. Johnny has an easy, soulful vibe. Very retro. He doesn’t bring much new to the proceedings, but his performance is full of energy. Adam is on his feet! He recognizes the singer from his previous audition. Adam announces his plans to destroy Gwen. All she cares about is passion and truth! Blake pimps for Gwen. Is this going to be a thing? Gwen bragging about a twofer and Blake speaking on her behalf? In any case Johnny Chooses Team Adam – Download at iTunes
Skyler Harris 25 – Murfreesboro Tennessee – One and Only by Adele – She is a cop, but sings in church. She was a domestic abuse survivor while working as a 911 dispatcher. She stopped singing at that time. But, she missed music and realized it could save her. She left her partner. Now she’s auditioning for The Voice. Gwen seems intrigued, bu does not push her button. Oof. There are pitch issues. Started off strong, and then she petered out. Gwen suggests she audition again. Alicia felt her power, but not the vulnerability. Blake regrets not turning. He asks her to “come back and see us.” – No Turns
Anatalia Villaranda 16 – Temecula, California – Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars (Click for Preview) (She was an American Idol 15 Top 51 contestant) She’s competed in singing contests since 10 years of age. Anatalia performed this song for the American Idol 15 Top 15 Showcase last spring. Many links to Idol performances at the preview link! When she hits the great big note Blake and Alicia turn. Adam and Gwen turn next. They drag the very excitable family out on stage. “Too bad you don’t have any personality,” quips Blake. The coaches are impressed by her energy. Gwen is all about the singer’s positivity. Anatalia bounces excitedly all through the critique. Crickets begin chirping during Adam remarks. THEY LIETERALLY DO. Fitting. Anatalia chooses Team Alicia – Download at iTunes
Stephanie Rice 27 – Texarkana Texas – Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson – Her dad is a pastor. After coming out a lesbian, her family rejected her. They wanted her to attend conversion therapy (!!!) She hasn’t spoken to them in 9 years. She got a biology degree from Baylor and publishes research on HIV. She’s engaged to be married. Blake turns first and then Gwen. OK she’s no Kelly Clarkson, but she puts her own spin on the song. She sings in a guttural alto. Her tone is a little harsh, but she knows how to phrase a song. Gwen feels her pain. “I feel like I’m here to work for you.” She’s assuming Stephanie is a country singer. Because of her cowboy hat. Huh. Adam begins mocking Blake. I don’t think he has a chance. She tells her story and everyone is moved. She calls her sound “Folk, soul, rock.” Blake literally gives up. Adam can’t believe it. He feels Blake’s head for fever. Her fiance shouts “GWEN!” from backstage. Stephanie chooses Team Gwen – Download at iTunes
Brandon Martin 25 – Kentucky – “Here’s a Quarter” by Travis Tritt. He’s a super duper Appalachian dude who plays in a country band while helping his dad down home on the farm. He hopes Blake turns his chair. He has a nice clear tone, with a little growl. It’s unremarkable, but solid. Aw. Nobody turned for the hillbilly. Blake loved his song choice, but felt he sang sharp at the end of his phrases. Adam and Gwen feel he needs more conviction. Adam tells him to come back – No Turns
Mark Isaiah 19 – Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania – Mercy by Shawn Mendes – His parents look so young! His little brother is a toddler. He recently lost 40 lbs. He reminds me a tiny bit of David Archuleta–looks wise. He’s got that big sweet smile. Mark has a very marketable sound. He’s like an hispanic Justin Bieber. He sings with urgency and an engaging energy. The gals are gonna love this one. Gwen and Adam turn right away. “I turned first!” said Gwen. She can’t believe he hasn’t been signed. Alicia notes there’s “a lot of emotion in you.” Blake advocates for Gwen. “It’s so obvious you belong in the current landscape of pop music,” says Adam. Mark chooses Team Adam – Download at iTunes
Brennley Brown 14 – Apple Valley California – Stupid Boy by Keith Urban – She lives and works on her family’s farm. She’s been watching The Voice since 8 years of age and is delighted the show lowered the eligibility age to 13. She sounds older than 14. She’s been singing since she was six, and it shows. In fact, she was cut from America’s Got Talent last summer at the judges cuts. No turns at first. But then Blake and Alicia turn at the last minute. She nearly breaks down when she realizes two coaches turned. She loves Willie, Waylon, Faith Hill. Well. We know where this is going. So does Alicia. “I’m trying to help Alicia, because she doesn’t know anything about country music.” Brennley giggles. Alicia believes country and soul are connected. She mentions that she sang on CMT with Cam. Of course, Brennley chooses Team Blake. “You’re so much taller in person!” Brennley gushes. – Download at iTunes
America’s Got Talent 2016 Audition. AGT Judges Cuts Performance.
Shaun Chrisjohn 31 – Philadelphia Pennsylvania – You Are the Best Thing by Ray LaMontagne – Shaun takes care of his grandma. She taught him everything he knows about music. In high school, he sang in the mall. He was going to move to a bigger city, but he has stayed behind to take care of his ailing grandmother. This is nice. Why is no one turning? He hits a fancy falsetto note. Still no turns. Bummer. Alicia thinks he has a beautiful voice…but…she doesn’t explain to him why she didn’t turn. Blake almost pushed his button, but felt some of his transitions were “wonky.” Alicia admits later that she’s looking for an “emotional” connection. – No Turns
Felicia Temple 28 – Teaneck New Jersey – All I Could Do Was Cry – Carson drives out to NJ to visit Felicia. She’s a nurse. Her dad is a police officer, and was in the Sugarhill Gang for 25 years. She was diagnosed with cancer last year and the surgeons had to cut her stomach open. There was a possibility she’d never sing again. There are a couple of little pitch problems. But as the song progresses, she finds her confidence. Alicia turns first. Blake next, and Gwen right after him. Turns out she’s a huge Alicia Keys fans. She even called herself “Felicia Keys.” So, the choice is inevitable. They sing “Fallin” together before deciding. Of course, Felicia chooses Alicia – Download at iTunes