A new episode of Survivor: Millennials vs Gen X airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.
The episode begins with Ikabula returning to camp after tribal council. They react to the results and how upset Michaela was. Jay is proud of himself for making the move against her. He wanted her gone before the merge. Hannah tells them that she would’ve voted with them, but admits in her confessional that she no longer trusts Jay and Will. She wants revenge against them for leaving her in the dark.
The next morning they see a boat approaching their beach. They are delivered a note and learn they must pack up their belongings. They are merging! In his confessional, Bret is happy to be given new life. He feels good about Jay and Will, but he still wants to consider his other options since he was close to Chris too. The Takali tribe learns they are merging and must pack up too. As they get ready to move to the Vanua tribe, we hear a confessional from Adam. He is glad to have made it to this point of the game.
The Vanua tribe is unaware that the merge is here until they see the boats approaching camp. Zeke is thrilled to have made it to this point in the game, especially after spending days of the game as an underdog. Michelle is glad too, especially now that she’s reunited with her former allies Jay and Taylor. The castaways all enjoy a feast and get to know each other. Meanwhile, Jay is confident he’s the kingpin since he believes he has Will, Michelle, Taylor, and Bret on his side, as well as a hidden immunity idol. However, Bret is now concerned about Jay after seeing him reunite with his fellow Millennials. Chris and Bret talk game as they try to figure out what to do next. Meanwhile, Zeke, Adam, and Hannah are back together after being on different tribes. Hannah tells them about Jay, and Zeke is really worried about him. Zeke believes Jay has the most influence and could form a “bro alliance” that excludes him.
Meanwhile, Adam is searching for another hidden immunity idol. While looking around tree mail, he finds a note that tells him that he has won the advantage to steal a reward. He says he plans to use this advantage when it really matters. Later that night, Taylor sneaks some food for himself, but Bret and Adam notice. Bret goes back to sleep, but Adam decides to use this as an opportunity to bond with him. Adam tells Taylor he won’t tell anyone about him sneaking food before talking game with him. Adam brings up the fact that Jay is a big threat that is building up an army. He also suggests voting out Will. Adam also reveals to Taylor his advantage to steal a reward. However, Taylor says in his confessional that he has no interest working with Adam. He’s amused Adam gave him all this information when he’s planning on blindsiding Adam.
Early in the morning, the Gen X-ers discuss Taylor sneaking food in the middle of the night. They’re also aware that the Millennials are really close too, and they need to flip someone to their side. David comments in his confessional that everything is uncertain right now as everyone is scrambling.
Later in the afternoon Jay and Taylor talk strategy. Taylor brings up the possibility of voting out a Millennial, but Jay doesn’t think it’s time. However, Taylor reveals to Jay that Adam is targeting Will. Jay is shocked, and Taylor tells him that it’s because Adam believes Will is Jay’s closest ally. Jay takes this to mean that Adam is targeting him. Jay and Taylor strongly consider voting out Adam. However, Zeke overheard their conversation. Zeke says in his confessional that Adam leaving would throw a wrench into his plans; he cannot let that happen.
It’s time for the immunity challenge. It’s an endurance challenge that will require them to balance on a narrow beam as their hands are tied up above them to buckets. Movement will cause buckets above them to tip over and spill water onto them, which will eliminate them from the competition. So they must try to remain as still as possible. The last person standing wins immunity. The challenge begins, and Sunday is the first to be eliminated. She’s followed by Chris and Bret. Ten minutes later Jay is eliminated from the challenge, and he’s followed by Zeke. Eight people are left. Ken is the next to be eliminated from the challenge. Hannah is the next person to be eliminated, and Michelle is eliminated later on. Five people remain, but Taylor and David are eliminated right afterwards. Adam is the next out of the challenge. Either Jessica or Will will win the first individual immunity challenge. After an elapsed time of an hour, Jessica and Will are still hanging in. Thirty minutes later, Jessica is eliminated. Will wins immunity.
After the immunity challenge, the tribe returns to camp. After people give kudos to Will for winning, the talk quickly goes to who should be voted out. Jay and Will want Adam gone, and they tell this to Michelle and Hannah. Michelle is unsure about this move; she thinks it’s a stupid decision. She feels voting out Adam would be more of a personal move than a strategic move. Meanwhile, Zeke tells Adam that Will knows that Adam is gunning for him. Zeke also tells Adam that he is Jay’s target, but he’s hopeful they can get the numbers to vote out Taylor. Zeke and Adam talk game with Ken, Chris, and David. They are worried about hidden immunity idols, so David brings up Michelle’s name. Ken says it should be Taylor. So now it’s up in the air. Adam tries to talk game with Taylor, but Taylor still wants his revenge against Adam. In addition, David and Hannah see Adam talking game with Taylor, and they are now worried about Adam flipping on them. Hannah pulls Adam aside and tells him that he needs to calm down. Zeke is also considering voting out Adam since he finds him to suddenly be an unreliable ally. In his confessional, Adam remarks that he has a hidden immunity idol he can play to be certain he’s safe. However, he’s unsure what the right move is.
It’s time for tribal council. Jeff asks David what’s the difference between Millennials and Gen X, and David says Millennials eat more food. David calls Taylor out for eating more food, and Taylor happily admits to it. Chris says it was a selfish move, but Taylor says it was because his stomach was having issues. Afterwards, the talk turns to game. Adam points out that they were in three different tribes, so who knows if the loyalties from the very beginning are still there. David says the game all comes down to trust. It isn’t necessarily Millennials vs Gen X anymore. Jeff says that people still got blindsided in prior tribal councils, so who knows that’s going to happen. Chris says there will be a line drawn in the sand tonight, and Michelle agrees. Taylor still says he’s not worried and things will happen as they will happen. Adam points out that Taylor looked at him when he said that. Adam knows he’s in trouble, but this is part of the game. Afterwards, it’s time for the vote.
Before Jeff tallies the vote, he asks if anyone wishes to play a hidden immunity idol. No one plays an idol.
The first vote is for…
Michelle is voted out and the first member of the jury.
And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor: Millennials vs Gen X. Thanks for reading, post your thoughts in the comments section below, and come back next week for another live recap.