A new episode of Survivor: Kaoh Rong airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.
After tribal council, Aubry, Tai, and Joe quietly celebrate blindsiding Scot. Aubry tells Tai she is very happy for him, and Tai says he’s happy for her. In his confessional, Tai says he has the most power now since he still has a hidden immunity idol and the extra vote advantage. Meanwhile, Jason comments how they’ll never be able to get Tai out now. Jason is also upset that Scot wasn’t able to hand him the hidden immunity idol since it would be against the rules. Once someone has been voted out, that person can’t hand another player an idol. Jason gives kudos to Cydney, but tells her he’s willing to work with her later on if she would like to. Cydney says she will keep that in mind. Meanwhile, Julia is frustrated she wasn’t in on the plan. She admits to playing both sides, but she is unhappy about Aubry, Joe, Tai, and Cydney forming their own alliance. Tai offers to give Julia an explanation, but says she doesn’t care. Julia feels she and Michele are on the bottom now. But Aubry, Tai, Joe, and Cydney are confident about their chances. Aubry says it “feels so good” to vote out Scot and that it has changed the dynamics of the game. Now that Jason doesn’t have an idol, he is the target if he doesn’t win the next immunity challenge. The next morning, Tai tries to apologize to Jason and explain why he voted Scot out. However, in his confessional, Jason said he had no interest listening to Tai and he wants revenge against him.
It’s time for the reward challenge. They must collect rings while racing through an obstacle course. They will then toss their rings onto hooks. The first to hook all their rings will win reward: a helicopter ride and a picnic that includes fried chicken, corn on the cob, apple pie, soft drinks, and wine. However, there is a twist with this challenge: they will be tethered together in pairs and one person will not participate. The pairs end up being Joe and Tai, Julia and Aubry, and Michele and Cydney. Jason will not participate. The challenge begins, and Michele and Cydney take an early lead. It gets close as Tai and Joe catch up at the ring tossing portion, but Cydney lands the last ring for her and Michele. Cydney and Michele win reward! They’re also allowed to choose one person to join them on reward. They both agree on bringing Aubry since she has not eaten as much as the others. As Cydney, Michele, and Aubry go on reward, the others go back to camp. We hear a confessional from Jason about how he is in a bad position, but he refuses to give up and wants to manipulate the others into keeping him.
We see Cydney, Michele, and Aubry at reward. Aubry says it’s a once in a lifetime experience and Michele calls it the best day ever. In her confessional, Michele comments how she will rely on her social skills to better her position in the game despite being left out of the Scot blindside. She tells Aubry and Cydney that she’s a very loyal person, and they do seem to want to work with her too. Later Cydney and Aubry talk game. They agree they need to continue working with Tai, but Cydney wants Tai gone sooner rather than later since he has a hidden immunity idol and an advantage. She doesn’t want to sit in the Final 3 with Tai either. She hopes she can somehow use Michele to take Tai out of the game.
Back at camp, Jason laments the fact that he’s on the bottom of the tribe. He talks to Julia about voting Tai out. Julia agrees and she says it would be stupid for the others to want to keep him around. She thinks Tai will win if he makes it to the Final 3. Julia and Jason plan to talk to Cydney about taking out Tai when she returns to camp. After the reward, Jason and Julia do bring up the idea of voting out Tai to Cydney. She seems open to the idea. In her confessional, Cydney says Survivor is a “me game,” not a “we game.” If she believes flipping and voting out Tai would be best for her game, then that’s what she will do.
It’s time for the immunity challenge. They will race through an obstacle and reach a platform out in the ocean to memorize symbols and corresponding numbers on a board. They will then have to race back to the beach and solve a puzzle with the numbers to get a key and unlock a box. Inside the box are letter blocks. The first to arrange the letters to spell the right word will win immunity. The challenge begins, and they all go out to the platform to look at the board. They then race back to the puzzle station at the same time, but Joe is moving at a much slower pace than the others. They try to solve the puzzle to get the key, but Aubry, Cydney, and Tai have to go back to look at the board again. However, Jason and Julia think they figure out which key is correct. Jason’s key does not unlock the box, so he must go back to look at the board. Julia tries her key, and she is correct. She is the first to unlock her box, but Michele opens her next. Joe decides to opt out of the challenge as Julia and Michele get started on a word puzzle. Before the others return to the puzzle station, Michele figured out the correct word to spell: “Blindsided.” Michele wins immunity! Jeff praises Michele for solving it so quickly and asks her how many symbols and numbers she was able to memorize at once. She said she was able to memorize them all. As they go back to camp, Jason says in his confessional that he is likely gone unless he manages to get Cydney and Michele on his and Julia’s side to vote out Tai.
After the challenge, Michele, Aubry, Cydney, Joe, and Tai go to the well and discuss who to vote out. They originally wanted Jason out, but they decide that Julia needs to go. However, Michele is uneasy about this plan. She considers Julia her closest ally and doesn’t want to write her name down. Michele asks Cydney what to tell Julia when she asks what the plan is, and Cydney says to tell her that the plan is to vote out Tai. She says this right in front of Tai too, and this worries him. He doesn’t like hearing his name as an option, even if it’s as a decoy. Later Julia and Michele talk by the water. Julia says that they should vote out Tai, and Michele is open to the idea. Cydney has a similar talk with Jason about voting out Tai. Julia and Jason then talk alone and are confident that Michele and Cydney will be on their side to vote out Tai. Jason is eager to see Tai get voted out of the game with an idol in his pocket just like Scot. However, it all comes down to what Cydney and Michele ultimately decide.
It’s time for tribal council. Julia says it’s an unpredictable game, and the only person truly safe is Michele. Jason comments how everyone should weigh their options since someone in the alliance of five is in the bottom. Jeff asks Julia who she thinks is on the bottom, and she says that Cydney and Michele are on the bottom and should switch things up. Tai rhetorically asks why should someone jump onto a sinking ship. Aubry says they have to rely on the relationships they have built. Jason gets riled up and says that didn’t help his game. He calls out Tai as someone who cannot be trsuted. He says he trusted Tai, but Tai was the one who betrayed him and Scot. Tai explains that Jason and Scot were too close and he had to break that up. Jeff asks Michele’s thoughts, and she says you have to think ahead in the game to be respected. You have to have something to say to the jury if you make it to the end. Cydney thinks the jury will vote based on who played the best game. Cydney and Michele say they are willing to make a big move, but they will go with their intuition. Jeff asks Tai how comfortable is he. He says he is not comfortable at all. Jeff comments on all the uncertainty before he tells them to go vote.
It’s time for the vote. We see Aubry write Julia’s name, but who will be voted out tonight? Before Jeff gathers the votes, Tai asks Aubry whether or not he should play his hidden immunity idol. Aubry tells him that she believes he’s fine, but he should go with his gut.
Before the votes are read, Jeff asks if anyone wants to play a hidden immunity idol. Everyone looks at Tai, but he chooses not to play it. Julia and Jason smirk, confident their plan to blindside Tai will be a success.
Jeff reads the votes. The first vote is for…
Julia is voted out and the fifth member of the jury.
And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor: Kaoh Rong. Thanks for reading, post your thoughts in the comments section below, and come back next week for another live recap.