One of my regular readers just left a comment in this post:
As of 1/11 when I talked to Mark Ballas about Joanna at a Ballas Hough Band concert they were still dating and he said she made Top 36. He also said top 36 was decided awhile ago. He said he will be in the audience to support her since Idol shares a building with the DWTS soundstage (if she makes top 12). I think she has a good voice but Ill wait to hear more before deciding whether or not Ill vote for her.
Also, Joanna has taken the music down off of her My Space.
Things that make you go hmm…
ETA: Ballas might be confusing the Top 36 with the Top 50, hence his statement that it was “decided a long time ago.”
ETAA: Or maybe the Top 36 was decided awhile ago. I’m hearing that this might be true.