Simon Cowell on JLo & Steven Tyler, Ready to Sign First X Factor Judge

Simon Cowell, returning from a month-long vacation in the South of France, sat down with Extra’s Teri Seymour to share a few tidbits.

  • On Ellen Degeneres leaving Idol, “I hadn’t got a clue. Genuinely hadn’t got a clue.”
  • On likely Idol judges, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler, “Yeah, I think they are all good people. Jennifer, I got to know quite well and I’ve never met Steven before, but I think it would be interesting.”
  • On the US X Factor: Simon says they are close to signing the first judge.
  • On finding new talent on the X Factor, “We may find five Justin Biebers in a group, five Miley Cyruses, the next Spice Girls.”
  • Simon didn’t know that ex-America’s Got Talent judge, David Hasselhoff, will compete on the next season of Dancing With The Stars, “Is he really? Genius booking. I will put money that he will win, “

Wonder who that first judge Simon is close to signing is.  Singer and UK X Factor judge,   Cheryl Cole, is widely rumored to be a shoe-in for the panel.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!