Phillip Phillips Reveals Details on His Upcoming Album (VIDEO)

In an interview with Clevver TV, American Idol winner, Phillip Phillips shared some details on his upcoming album The World From The Side of the Moon set to be released on November 19.

Phillip has not released a track list yet, but he reveals that the CD has 12-13 tracks, half written by himself, and the rest co-writes, save 2 songs (including “Home”)

His favorite is a song called “Tell Me a Story”, song he didn’t like until he re-wrote the chorus. He feels that lyrically, it’s on. “Take Me Away” will appear on the Deluxe version (watch him perform the song live).  The title derives from a lyric in the first cut on the album called “Man on the Moon.”  The title is Phillip watching himself this past year from a “different world.” Also, an unnamed song he co-wrote with the “Home” songwriters encapsulates his experience competing on Idol.

Phillip says that he tries to tell stories and make people think when he writes a song. But, he also loves complex guitar playing, which is also an important element of how he arranges his music. But by the same token, he’s trying to learn how to keep the music simple,

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!