UPDATE: OMG Bitch Fight!
Kara DioGuardi responds to Paula Abdul’s comments via Access Hollywood:
…Paula has a right to her opinions, but I was disappointed by her comments, and hurt that she did not address them to me in person, Kara said in an exclusive statement to Access Hollywood. …I am proud of my contributions to the show, and remain excited about the rest of the season, Kara told Access.
(I’m beginning to wonder if this is all staged for the media)
Paula Abdul isn’t’ too crazy about the addition of a 4th judge. It’s nothing personal against new judge Kara DioGuardi, she just thinks the whole 4 judge deal isn’t working.
That’s according to an interview with Paula in the March 9 edition of OK Magazine as quoted by the NY Post.
“Kara and I have known each other for years and we get along great…But we tried four judges before and it doesn’t work.”
That would be season two, when DJ Angie Martinez joined the judges panel for a few days. She quit, claiming she didn’t like hating on young aspiring artists.
“It takes up so much time for each of us to give our opinion that it slows down the pace of the show, ” she says.
Funny, Simon says the exact same thing in this USA Today interview:
…Id almost fallen asleep at one point because it was taking so long to get to me…So were going to have to speed things up a little bit.
I wonder if Randy, Paula and Simon are getting together to have private bitch sessions about Kara.
I have to say I like Kara, but so far she’s failed to find a unique voice on the panel. Last week, she was either yelling at Simon, or parrotting what Randy or Paula already said.
In Kara’s defense, if a 4-judge panel is going to work, the rest of them are going to have to make room for her. This is an excellent opportunity for the rest to sharpen their critiques. Make them shorter, pithier, so that we AREN’T falling asleep by the time it’s Simon’s turn.
At the same time, Kara’s got to figure out who the hell she is on the panel. There’s no point adding someone who isn’t going to bring something new to the table.
Oh, and Paula is still pretending that she might leave the show:
“It is the last season of my contract, and I have so many other things I want to do, ” she says.
As if!