A hidden camera type show, co-produced with The Voice coach Adam Levine, has received a pilot order from NBC. The show will be co-produced with director David Dobkin (Wedding Crashers) and reality production company Renegade 83 (Naked And Afraid).
The untitled hourlong project was inspired by the popular music video for “Sugar” by Maroon 5. Directed by Dobkin, the clip depicts couples being surprised at their weddings by a performance from the band. The video has garnered nearly 800 million views to date.
With the help of improv actors, the show will feature unsuspecting superfans who are surprised when a star they love “accidentally” shows up at a major event in their lives. Examples: a couple about to get married discovers that a world famous recording artist is leading the house band, an Emmy Award-winning actor becomes an unexpected guest of a bachelorette party. In other words, screaming freaked out fans that have heart-tugging back stories that make the “surprise” even sweeter. This sounds like a variation of the failed reality show from Ryan Seacrest, Knock Knock Live.
If you’re wondering about the “Sugar” video, you can check it out here. The problem with stunt shows that feature “surprises”–there are literally no real surprises in reality TV. In order to accommodate all of the moving parts necessary to make a segment work, folks have to be in on the stunt. Contrived TV is nearly always the result.
Via Deadline TV