Lulu2’s Ontario American Idol Tour Recap

I was at Ontario performance only because of Adam. I was happy to see Allison, who I love, and Anoop, but I wouldn’t have been there if not for Adam. I live in Los Angeles, but the Staples center is a madhouse with terrible acoustics, and I couldn’t get the front and center seats. The Ontario Center was smaller and less chaotic than Staples and is a great venue. At Ontario, I just about had my pick of seats in the first five rows. I chose the fifth row, center section, but even the first row didn’t look too close. I wasn’t the only one there who was essentially Staples Center overflow. Everyone near me was a huge fan of Adam, Allison, and, Anoop.

I didn’t have high hopes for Michael Sarver, Megan Joy and Scott MacIntyre, and, really, these big venues aren’t well-suited to most performers. These three would do better in more intimate venues. I liked Michael’s first song, ‘I’m in Love with a Girl, ‘better than his second. Interestingly, Michael sounded best during his solos in the group numbers. The band overwhelmed his own set. I liked Megan’s first song ‘Put Your records On’  better than her Amy Winehouse song. She threw in a few changes and cute touches on the first song. Scott sang well, in tune, and was cute.

Lil, thankfully, has left behind all traces of her Oh-My-Gawd-I’m-Being-Judged personal hell AND she looked beautiful. Her outfit was flattering and stunning, . She took off her long jacket during her set and her jumpsuit underneath was just as gorgeous. During the group number to close the first half, she also had a great dress on. She was the female fashion plate of the evening. As for her singing, she was the first performer to appear who could actually do a solo act in such a large venue. All three of her numbers were very good. I personally liked ‘No One’  best. I asked my friend, who had just been to Beyonce’s concert what she thought. According to her, Lil’s voice is as good as Beyonce’s, but no one could beat Beyonce’s dancing’”in stilettos!- and aerial acrobatics.

Anoop has a beautiful, smooth voice and a great personality’”and it all comes through on stage, just what you would expect from the show. ‘My Prergotive’  was much more fun than I expected. During the group number in the first half, Anoop comes out in big glasses, with sass and attitude that is both funny and adorable. I love Anoop’s voice and is has been my intention to buy Anoop’s first record when it comes out. But Anoop can handle this size venue too. I would go see him in concert, depending how much I like the music he puts out. No one can beat him on the ballads, that’s for sure.

And’ ¦..MATT! MATT!! MATT!!! I liked him okay on the show, but NOW I’m a BIG fan of Matt. He was astonishing. He was rousing. I was put in mind of internet clips of Jerry Lee Lewis from the early days of Rock and Roll. Matt was a whirlwind of energy and talent. I didn’t expect that from him and I could hardly catch my breath. He can really, and I mean really, play the piano. His voice was great. ‘Hard to Handle’  was a revelation. ‘Georgia’  was great. The Fray song was good, but more soothing than rousing. In short: When’s the record coming out? When’s his first solo concert? I want to go!!

The group number ending the first act was fun. ‘Beggin” , with all the men lined up in a row in suits—stunning. Loved it. Michael Sarver did well with ‘Suspicious Minds, ‘  probably because the band wasn’t drowning him out. Scott and Matt (MATT!!) were cute playing the piano together.

Allison’s whole set was first class. She not only can handle this size venue, she owns it, she can fold it up and put it in her pocketbook. I loved ‘So What, ‘  but I never stopped loving every note she hit., through ‘Cry Baby’  and ‘Barracuda.’  All around me, people were shaking their heads in disbelief at her talent.

Danny surprised me. I think he’s been taking performing lessons from Adam. (I swear there was some gyrating and other overtly sexy moves.) I like his voice a lot, but only really liked ‘Come Rain or Come Shine’  on the show. On tour, his ‘PYT ‘was much better than on the show, very energetic and fun’”I liked it a lot. I liked ‘Maria, Maria’  even more. I even liked ‘What Hurts the Most, ‘  and I am allergic to country music. I didn’t like ‘My Wish, ‘  though. It just brought the energy level down. But Danny’s turning into a showman. He was good, but I still say his future is as the new Michael Buble. Those Rat Pack standards really suit him.

Adam’s set disappointed because it was too short. Unlike the others, he tends to stay upstage for the first two songs, as if the crowd would pull him into the mosh pit if he didn’t keep his distance. (They would.) He finally comes downstage for ‘Mad World.’  He kept away from the edges of the stage during ‘Slow Ride’  too. He gets slightly closer to the crowd during the Bowie Medley, which is so wonderful, there are no words for it. Videos do not do it justice. For ‘Whole Lotta Love, ‘  he’s been singing ‘baby’ one week, ‘woman’  the next, but changed his apparent pattern to sing ‘woman’  in Los Angeles. So, Ontario got the gender neutral lyrics. It may be silly, but I wanted to hear him sing ‘Woman, You need’ ¦’  It’s a cheap thrill, but it’s a thrill nonetheless. Oh, well. I am so looking forward to attending Adam’s first solo concert.

Kris was very good. He’s very musical, very talented, very pleasant. His best song is ‘All These things That I’ve Done, ‘  the replacement for ‘No Boundaries.’  It’s excellent. Once again, videos do not do it justice.

The final group song was good, but I only watched Adam, so I really couldn’t tell you much about it.

About mj santilli 34964 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!