Justin Bieber Fans Go Cray Cray on Undercover Cop

You think American Idol fans can be crazy?  When  Justin Bieber fans found the undercover cop they believed was involved in the scuffle during the Biebs personal appearance at the New York City Macy’s yesterday, they might have, uhm, over-reacted a tad.  Via  Radio Sophie:

Shortly after the attack, TMZ reported that the “crazed fan” who attacked Bieber was actually an undercover police officer trying to protect him. Of course this didn’t stop “Beliebers” from identifying the police officer as “Tom Petterson” and proceeding to harass anyone by that name online. It seems the name surfaced on Twitter, and there’s no credible information that suggests he’s even been in the presence of JB. Nevertheless, “Tom Petterson” quickly became a trending topic on Twitter. His address and phone number were posted online, along with photos of him.

There are various Tweets along the lines of “dear, Tom Petterson if you dont kill yourself, 31 million beliebers will do it for you. so i suggest you do it asap.” There are also Facebook groups that note Petterson should “watch his back” or “enjoy his last hours.” If you want to participate in Petterson’s demise, you’ll have to make a choice. You can either RSVP to “Beliebers Attacking Tom Petterson, ” or go with the “KILLING OF TOM PETTERSON.”

Holy cow. There’s no evidence the cray cray even managed to target the right guy!  Get a grip kids.  Some parents need to take their children’s computers away. Like…permanently.

Thanks for the tip @h2oconvo  Watercoolerconvo


About mj santilli 35175 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!