X Factor hopefuls to re-audition
X Factor hopefuls may have to sing for a second time in front of judges, because of the new format of auditions.
Simon Cowell said he wants participants to perform in front of a live audience, just as they do on his other show Britain’s Got Talent.
However, auditions have already been held in Glasgow, so the show will have to return to Scotland to reshoot.
An X Factor spokeswoman said: “It does look like everyone who auditioned will come and audition again.”
Kris Allen Makes It To Madeo
Kris Allen and wife Katy head home after enjoying their dinner at Madeo restaurant in Beverly Hills on Sunday (June 21).
When the 24-year-old American Idol star was recently asked how he felt about runner-up Adam Lambert crush on him, he replied that his wife has a crush on Lambert!
More Idol Headlines after the JUMP…
David Archuleta a hit at San Diego County Fair
You know that tingly feeling you get when you witness something so amazing that you just want to throw your cares out the window and jump for joy?
As I gazed at the dazzling outdoor ambience of the San Diego County Fair while 18-year-old international pop star David Archuleta serenaded concert-goers with …To be With You, well ¦ I got that feeling.
Kelly Clarkson: Much Music Motley!
American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson walks the red carpet in a multi-colored dress at the 2009 MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto, Canada on Sunday (June 21).
The 27-year-old Texan singing sensation performed her hit song …My Life Would Suck Without You from MuchMusic Queen Street West HQ in downtown Toronto.
‘Idol’ winner, KC native a hit at Cotillion
His career is still young enough that David Cook has only about an hour’s worth of songs in his repertoire.
But Cook — last year’s “American Idol” winner and a Kansas City native– made the most of that hour Sunday night during a concert at the Cotillion that included his also-young list of hits from his debut album, “David Cook.”
Still the Runner-Up: Michael Johns, ‘Hold Back My Heart’
After hearing “Heart on My Sleeve” ‘ the first single from his post-“Idol” record, “Hold Back My Heart” ‘ you’d think that Johns was about to blaze a trail as a purveyor of hooky, swelling, Sarah Bareilles-style pop with a little David Gray grit thrown in for flavor.
But after recording “Heart on My Sleeve, ” Johns must’ve changed his shirt. Most of the rest of the album is a rust-colored, shag-rugged, rhinestone-encrusted, sequin-bedecked valentine to the ’70s.
It’s not an entirely unrequited love affair. On bluesy standout track “Fools Gold, ” Johns’ voice sounds parched and dusty ‘ in a weather-beaten rawhide sort of way, not a get-that-guy-some-water one. On “Little Bear, ” Johns funkily croons about a girlfriend’s cheatin’ in a way that totally works unless you picture what a gal nicknamed “Little Bear” might look like. (Yogi? Boo-Boo?)
Former American Idol Finalist Michael Johns Discusses Hold Back My Heart
At one of the absolute busiest times in his life, Michael Johns took the time to sit down and answer some questions for BC Magazine about his upcoming tour and new album.
The American Idol Season 7 Finalist is just one day away from releasing his debut album, Hold Back My Heart (Downtown Records); it drops Tuesday, June 23rd.
Michael’s first single “Heart On My Sleeve” from that album, was the #1 most requested song at AOL Radio when they launched a Tweet Request only radio station, and is currently climbing Billboard’s AC charts. Because the Tweet Request channel was only meant to stay live for a week, AOL Radio added the single to their Pop Idol and New Music First stations.
Bo Bice sings ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ with Skynyrd at City Stages
“The time has come, ” Johnny van Zant said near the end of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s regular set at City Stages in Birmingham, Alabama, tonight. Then he brought out an “Alabama boy” — Bo Bice — to sing along.
In their first American concert since a swing through Europe that ended in Paris, the band played in front of Birmingham City Hall on the Miller Lite Stage with banners of two giant bottles of the sponsor’s product flanking each side of the stage.
Kellie Pickler: Southern Belle
She’s only 22, but Kellie Pickler is already a classic rags-to-riches story: Raised in a North Carolina trailer park, she burst onto the music scene in 2006 as an American Idol finalist. Two albums later (and 30 pounds lighter), the country music queen’s crisscrossing the continent with Taylor Swift’s Fearless tour ‘ and sleepin on her bus.
“My little house on wheels, ” she says. “Funny. As a child I thought, ‘I’m going to be a big country star so I can get out of this damn trailer.’ Then I go and get one. I mean it’s a $1 million trailer but it’s still a trailer.”
With the new compilation album on the horizon, Adam Lambert …greatest hits of the season collection drops off the charts this week, lasting just one week longer than Kris collection did. It will be interesting to see if the compilation CD has any impact on the charts.
Carrie Underwood Carnival Ride is the top charting Idol-related album this week, sitting at #53 on the Billboard 200 and #13 on Top Country Albums. Kelly Clarkson All I Ever Wanted drops nine spots to #56 on the Billboard 200 and David Cook also drops nine spots to #72 on the same chart. David album also appears on Top Rock Albums (30).
Perez Hilton Takes a ‘Boom Boom Pow’ to the Face, Blames Peas Singer
Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton is sporting a black eye – and he claims he got it from a black eye – Hilton posted repeated updates to his Twitter account after being assaulted at MuchMusic Video Awards in Canada on Sunday night, claiming that Black Eyed Peas singer will.i.am was behind the attack.
Hilton wrote: “I was assaulted by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas and his security guards. I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke… Still waiting for the police. The bleeding has stopped. I need to document this. Please, can the police come to the SoHo Met Hotel. “I spoke to my lawyer. I really need to talk to the authorities… The Toronto police are here now… The police are investigating the assault now. I did the right thing by reporting it… I won’t be talking about this any further. It is in the hands of the authorities.”
The singer was quick to respond, posting a video message on his own website, claiming he merely spoke to the blogger after Hilton made “disrespectful” comments about his Black Eyed Peas bandmate Fergie.
The Veronicas To Perform On, So You Think You Can Dance
The Veronicas are set to perform their single …Take Me On The Floor live next week on So You Think You Can Dance! The Aussie duo will grace the stage of the results show on Thursday, June 25th. Tune in at 9pm (check local listings for more info) to see Lisa and Jess bring their electro-pop goodness to FOX dance phenomenon.
Watch the video for the track here and be sure to head over to iTunes to download your copy of the single today. Visit TheVeronicas.com for photos, tour dates and video updates.
Was Katee Shean actually the runner up on So You Think You Can Dance?
As a big fan of the X-Files and Reality TV, I love thinking about and reading conspiracy theories about eliminations. While re-watching the audition episodes of So You Think You Can Dance I noticed during Adam Shankman’s fake audition, Katee Shean critiqued him. Below her it read “runner up.”
Wait a second. She was third runner up. Shouldn’t it just say “finalist” or “third runner up” instead?
I know I’m thinking too hard, but I created an interesting theory about Katee. Maybe the producers knew she was the actual runner up, but thought that wouldn’t make good television. They placed her in third and gave her money to compensate. Here are some points of interest.
How to handle trying out for ‘American Idol’
Is everybody ready?
The brave American Idol hopefuls who audition at the new Cowboys Stadium on Friday have a lot to remember to bring. Including nerves of steel and patience.
When Idol visited North Texas two years ago, more than 12, 000 aspiring singers flocked to Texas Stadium for auditions that stretched well into the night.Season 7 favorite Michael Johns, whose in-laws live in Fort Worth, says he was “more nervous than I’d ever been” for his first Idol audition.
“It’s the hardest, ” he said during a recent stop in Dallas to promote his new album. “You only get 15 seconds in front of the judges, so you never know ‘ you might have just had a bad ham and turkey sandwich or something and get passed over.”
Mentors Teach Life Skills, Provide Foundation for Academic Success
Archuleta is among several U.S. celebrities, including actors Terrence Howard, Gabrielle Union and Michael Copon, who are supporting Children Uniting Nations (CUN), one of the premier nongovernmental organizations working with at-risk and foster youth, by pledging to recruit mentors and raise awareness of at-risk youth issues, including mentoring.
“It’s important for foster kids to be able to talk to someone, to feel like they belong somewhere and to feel like they can express themselves, ” Archuleta said. “A lot of kids – and not just foster kids – feel they aren’t worth that much and that they are not capable of accomplishing things.”