Listen to Chris Colfer and Darren Criss cover P!nk’s “Perfect” from tomorrow’s episode “I Kissed a Girl”. Rolling Stone has the exclusive. (which is why we had to wait so long for the preview. NOT f*cking Perfect. That.)
Listen to “Perfect” at Rolling Stone Magazine
This is the duo’s best non-Christmas themed duet yet. I hated the terrible terrible “Candles” so much–I’m happy to report that “Perfect” erases the memory of that ill advised song choice (Even Chris Colfer hates it…a break up song? For a couple that just got together? Really?) right out of my brain!
And while Chris and Darren tried their hand at scatting in their marvoulous “Let it Snow” duet. Here, they do a little rapping! Oh. White Boys!
Still, my favorite Klaine duet is last year’s Christmas song “Baby It’s Cold Outside”. But I’m very pleased with this new tune.
I can only imagine the context–but I can get behind a love song that’s all about accepting your significant other the way they are, warts and all. With Klaine coming out of their “honeymoon” phase with the Sebastian trouble, it’s a very sweet message.
More song previews from Episode 7 “I Kissed a Girl”
Listen to song previews from Episode 8 “Hold on to 16”
Glee Spoilers: Episode 7 “I Kissed a Girl”
Glee Spoilers: Episode 8 “Hold on to 16” (Sectionals!)