1. The newly minted Top 12 practice their Pointy Pose skills in front of the photographers…
After advancing to the Top 12–or not–Thursday night, The Top 16 headed over to Wolfgang Puck’s restaurant in the Pacific Design center to either celebrate, or drown in their sorrows.
Check out more pictures of the big partay, after the jump. I tried to caption the pictures, and the results are pretty dire. So, please. Help! Leave your captions in the comments section…
2. Gene Simmons Amanda Overmyer
3. Carly Smithson and David Archuleta – Mommy!
4. Constantine and Kady Malloy: Ewww! Danny Noriega pretends he’s somewhere else la la la la la…
5. YUM!
6. Danny Noriega, Ramiele Malubay, Kady Malloy – BFFs Forevah!
7. David Archuleta and his Very Special cupcake
8. The Davids and Whatsername…
9. Ramiele Malubay smells a fart!
10. Gina Glocksen: HELP!
11. Jason Castro: Are you going to San Francisco?
12. Chikezie and Syesha Mercado: Do we have to get our picture taken with this damn hippie? Jason Castro: Just wait til I pwn your asses in the competition.
13. Kristy Lee Cook and Brooke White feel up each other’s auras
14. Nigel Lythgoe attempts to get grabby with Kristy Lee Cook
15. Luke Menard and Chikezie: I love you man!
16. Jason Castro: Like man, it’s a phone, and like, you press these little buttons and you can talk to people…
17. Vulcan Mind-Meld! Run away! Run away!
18. Jason Castro helps Ramiele Malubay channel her inner Jasmine Trias by bestowing the Pow3r of the Flow3r upon her.