It’s Week 3 on Dancing with the Stars! First Meta World Peace left the ballroom, then Elisabetta Canalis; who will be leaving this week? Tonight each couple needs to show a personal story in their dance. Brooke says we might need a box of tissues handy. –
Rob Kardashian and Cheryl Burke – Foxtrot – Rob’s story is from 2003, when his father Robert Kardashian Sr. died of esophagael cancer. He says his world was flipped, and he had to grow up with all women and without his best friend, his father. The song they’re dancing to is “Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra, his dad’s favorite song. Rob’s beginning ootwork is very heavy, but he picks it up as the song goes on. Ah he loses beat a tiny bit at the end. Nice finish with the moon and all. I’d go with a 7, maybe an 8. He did much better than I expected. Kardashians in the house! Len says he put the “dash” in KarDASHian. He hopes Rob Kardashian Sr. is looking down saying that he did well. Bruno loved how Rob is “playing” on the dancefloor. It reminded him of “Guys and Dolls.” Carrie Ann loves watching his progress. Carrie Ann- 8 Len – 8 Bruno – 8 – 24. Impressive!
Chynna Phillips and Tony Dovolani – Rumba – Chynna’s song reminds her of Billy Baldwin. She’s dancing to her own song, which makes her very emotional. Tony wants her to run from the past and towards the good. She got very emotional. A split to kick it off. Smooth and connected, but she doubts herself a lot. Her movements are becoming jerky and unsure. Pretty dancing, and I’m getting a tiny bit of the story. Not too exciting, but then again, it is a rumba. Not as seductive as the typical rumba at all, but I kind of liked it for that! Bruno said she was seductive, intriguing, and elegant. She’s expressive and has beauty in her lines. Carrie Ann called her stunning and “it feels so good.” Len said if she dances like that, she’ll be here for weeks and weeks. Len says she has taken the whole competition to a new level. I love her, but I wouldn’t go that far… Carrie Ann- 8 Len – 9 Bruno – 9 – 26 First 9 of the season!
Chaz Bono and Lacey Schwimmer – Rumba – Chaz is talking about the complications of his childhood, and the song he chose was written by his father, and he feels that it relates to him completely. It’s a tribute to his dad. Hip action! Chaz is providing a good frame for Lacey, but there’s nothing exciting from him personally. It could be more fluid, for sure. Hippy-ish theme to that? Carrie Ann says she’s touched by his courage just from showing up, but it wasn’t his best. He looked distracted and not focused. He didn’t dance enough–that’s how I feel exactly, Carrie Ann! Len says that was his best dance (I personally liked his first cha cha way better). He keeps coming back and giving it his all. Bruno said Chaz kept stopping the motion, and looked lost. Carrie Ann- 6 Len – 6 Bruno – 6 – 18. 1-800-VOTE4-12. It’s Chaz’s highest scores yet.
Kristin Cavallari and Mark Ballas – 2005 is her year because she graduate high school, moved to LA, and had to make the decision between school and entertainment. She’s got the samba, and she’s excited for the sexy! The song is “Crazy in Love” by Beyonce. The samba isn’t the hardest dance, Kristin! I’d give that award to the Paso Doble personally. On beat–great intro! Footwork looks fantastic. It’s a little bit too bouncy as opposed to grounded, but the hip action and hair flips are all there. Single Ladies move! Kristin’s scores will probably suffer because her story isn’t poignant, but I think that was a pretty great performance. Len looks happy! He says the Beyonce stuff isn’t his cup of tea (“talk to the hand!”) but that was only 20% of the dance, so 80% was great. Bruno says she’s going in the right direction and that she was great. Carrie Ann says Beyonce had some pretty huge shoes to fill, but Kristin filled them well. She executed some very difficult moves well in Mark’s tough choreography. And again, we are reminded of Len dancing tomorrow. Carrie Ann- 8 Len – 8 Bruno – 8 – 24. 1-800-VOTE4-03.
Carson Kressley and Anna Trebunskaya – Tanga – I love the tango. Just saying. Carson felt like a total loser last week! They’re dancing to “It’s My Life” – 2003 – where he was just being him. It’s not about being gay, but about feeling like an outsider. It’s a little too exciting and flashy for a tango at the beginning. Carson’s facial expressions aren’t serious enough, either. He’s there for Anna every step of the way, though! Impressive kicks down the middle! His best dance so far, I’d say. Bruno calls him BRILLIANT! He’s going crazy, and calls Carson crazy and strong. Okay. Carrie Ann LOVES HIM. He brought drama, entertainment, enthusiasm, fun, sassy, strange, sexy to the dance. His technique wasn’t too bad, but a little girly. Len says he put the BOY in flamBOYant. Clever. Len enjoyed it very much. Carrie Ann- 8 Len – 7 Bruno – 8 – 23. Most improved!
J.R. Martinez and Karina Smirnoff – Rumba – His most memorable year is being in Iraq, and getting severely injured. He thought his life was going to end, and he remembers seeing his mother and his face for the first time. He became depressed. His life was ruined at 19, and he thought he’d be better off dead. The song is by Tim McGraw, and it’s about a letter an armyman wrote, and if his wife is reading it, he’s dead. It’s a tribute to all those who died in war. I believe it. Very clean movements. Emotion just flowing out of them. Elegant, sophisticated, smooth, precise. Absolutely love this. Here’s a tissue box performance. Incredible body shapes. THAT WAS PHENOMENAL. I’m feeling it. Carrie Ann is crying, and she says J.R. did something extraordinary and touched us all. She can feel the weight of his dedication, and it was one of the most profound dances she has every seen. Len says J.R. is the one person this season who rises above what anyone expected him to. It could have been a little more musical, but it was wonderful. Bruno says he dances from his hearts, and his emotions were tangible. He stretched the foot and extended his lines. For me, it almost felt like a waltz. Ugh, agian, Len dancing tomorrow is brough up. Mood killer. Carrie Ann- 9 Len – 8 Bruno – 9 – 26. Tied for first with Chynna agian. 1-800-VOTE4-10.
Nancy Grace and Tristan Mcmanus – – The song is “Moon River” which she walked down the aisle in, and it was the first lullaby she ever sang to her twins. She was trying to get ready for church, and the doctors told her her babies were dying. Lucy was cut out, and she sang “Moon River” to the babies. Aww, we see the twins dancing with Mommy! Tristan put in Lucy’s dance step into the dance. It’s all for the kids. SORRY I had an anniversary in the family and I cound’t blog Nancy or Ricki, but I saw them. Nancy needs to hold herself up more and just dance. Carrie Ann- 7 Len – 7 Bruno -7 – .
Ricki Lake and Derek Hough – Rumba –I LOVE “Gravity.” The story is about 2010, where Ricki’s marriage fell apart. They danced extremely beautifully, full of emotion. Best so far. Carrie Ann- 9 Len – 9 Bruno – 9 – 27.
Hope Solo and Maks Chmerkovskiy – Cha Cha – They need to improve this week! Very sexy performance. Hope is still stiff and not very flexible, but she was certainly on fire! Just clean it up. Carrie Ann: sexy and hot, but she wants to work on Hope’s walk. Len found the costume and part of the routine too provocative (I agree) but the cha cha cha was very good, but she could still be sharper (I agree again). Bruno called her the sexy minx, and she was going at it like a panther. He said it was good to see her embrace her sexiness, and offers to show her how to sexy walk. Carrie Ann- 8 Len – 8 Bruno – 8 – 24. 1-800-VOTE4-08.
David Arquette and Kym Johnson – Rumba – His dance is about last year, which was the year that he and Courtney Cox broke up and he turned to alcohol. He has so much love for his daughter. The stage looks incredible, like there’s water everywere. Solid, concrete movements. Does every star this season have a tattoo? Just wondering. Movements are connected, and David looks more confident than ever. Len says he did a great job this week. Bruno said he felt his vulnerability and his romantic feelings. He says he’s going to get the girl. Courtney Cox looks down..oops. Carrie Ann loves his pure, raw emotion. She said dancing is all about bringing pure joy to people, which is what David did. Carrie Ann- 8 Len – 8 Bruno – 8 – 24. He’s back! 1-800-VOTE4-06.