Eliminated tonight: Kim Kardashian and Mark Ballas
ETA: I just got my Jennifer Hudson newsletter. She’ll be appearing on Dancing with The Stars on October 7th…
Damn. I lost all my pool points tonight! I decided to go with Cloris instead of Kim. Thinking about it in hindsight, Cloris is a beloved entertainer who dances pretty well when you consider she’s ancient. Kim’s bad dancing is just…bad dancing, and she’s got no other accomplishments to speak of. So, there you go. Bye Kim. You can go back to whatever it was you weren’t doing…
High lowlight of tonight: Jessica Simpson massacring “Angels”. Seriously, how does this girl have a career? And her “country” singing is a joke too.
Recap and Videos after the JUMP…
Tonight, who will be sent home?
Special guest tonight is Jessica Simpson.
After the re-cap, the judges call Warren and Kym’s Paso Doble worthy of an encore. I have to say, I agree.
- Tony and Alec
- Rocco and Karina
- Cody and Julieanne
- Brooke and Derek
- Susan and Tony
- Warren and Kym
- Maurice and Cheryl
- Lance and Lacey
- Misty and Maks
- Cloris and Corky
Jessica Simpson is next, and now it’s time for some fakity-fake country. Her attempt at a “country twang” is *special*. I can’t understand a word she’s singing. Pasha Kovalev and Anya Garnis from the 3rd season of So You Think You Can Dance are the featured dancers. They are a welcome distraction.
Jessica Simpson “sings” Pasha and Anya dance:
Samantha chats up the safe couples. Rocco promises to bring it next week. Toni says it’s great to be safe first–last week she was the last contestant declared safe.
The next two couples declared safe are Cody and Julieanne and Brooke and Derek.
Len and Bruno are currently flying to London every week to do the British version of Dancing with the Stars. Brutal! Though, I’m not sure it’s worthy of an entire segment. Filler!
Len and Bruno are tired, very tired:
Next, a dance routine, choreographed by Brian Friedman and featuring former Pussycat Doll Carmit Bachar and Jenna Dewan of Step Up. The dancers are in the dark, with electric lights glowing from their costumes. I don’t see much point in a dance routine where it’s impossible to see the dancers moves. It looks kinda cool on my TV, but I can’t help thinking I’m missing something.
Dancing in the Dark:
Jessica Simpson is Baaack. She sings “Angels” and I’m not going to say a word. I’ll let you peeps have a go at her. OK, I can’t resist. This is horrifying. What’s with that weird yelpy catch in her voice? And why is she trying to swallow the microphone? Uhmm… And holy cow, the high notes have poor doggies across America freaking the eff out. Ok, peeps your turn. Heh. Suggestion: Turn the sound down and just watch Cheryl and Maks perform a rumba!
Samantha interviews Cody and Julieanne and Brooke and Derek. Julieanne chirps that Cody handled the sexy dance well for an 18 year old. And then Samantha reminds Julieanne that she danced the rumba just fine when she was 18. Brooke insists she’s never danced and has absolutely no training. o rly.
One more couple is safe: Susan and Tony
Two more couples are safe – Warren and Kym and Maurice and Cheryl
More filler – A segment on the Red Room.
Four couples are left. Lance and Lacey are safe. So are Misty and Maks The father and son rivalry is coming to an end! Kim and Mark are going home. Cloris and Corky are safe. Dang. There go my points. I picked Cloris.
The Elimination: