Season 6 Idol, Chris Sligh just posted a blog with some realistic advice for the Season 8 Idols.
After Chris’s Idol stint, he released an album of Christian Music with Brash records. His first single, “Empty Me” went Top 10 on the Christian Charts. He co-wrote the Rascall Flatts country hit, “Here Comes Goodbye”. Not too shabby for a 10th place finisher!
His advice is clear-eyed and realistic. Hope the Idols who didn’t get signed by 19 read it…
To the Idols: A Realistic look at your career prospects
So, American Idol Season 8 is officially finished. Last tour date done. People are moving home and for the next several years will try to move on. I believe that this season of Idol was one of the most talented, but if History repeats itself the majority of these Idols will do nothing in music and will be washes within 3 or 4 years. Not trying to be mean, just being real.So, how is it that the fat, not-so-great-looking guy who came in 10th place is the 2nd or 3rd most successful from his season and top 5 most successful over Season 6 & 7? The difference is pure drive and ambition and work ethic. I haven’t had luck on my side. I haven’t had a major label behind me yet (though that is about to happen). I haven’t had 19E’s help AT ALL. I have simply worked my tail off, been pro-active and worked on becoming better at my craft. Not that other people haven’t worked…sure they’ve worked…but not on the right things…and they’ve had an unrealistic view of what Idol can and will do for them.
Read more HERE.