America's Got Talent

Billboard – 09/24/11

As we all know, there are approximately 73, 429 Billboard charts. This is a summary of just some of those charts and how the Idols/AGTers did on them this week. Please feel free to post

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American Idol

Idol Sales News – Week Ending 09/11/11

Scotty and Lauren remain the only two solo Idols in the top 200. Scotty’s album saw a 40% decline? Waning stock, waning spins or waning interest? I think it’s safe to say that all the EPs probably exceeded sales expectations with Scotty’s exceeding them by the most. Sony is probably planning on X-Factor EPs and regretting they never thought of that idea before.

Kelly Clarkson tops 100K sales in her first week with “Mr. Know It All” (#9 on the digital chart)