Big Brother 16 – Week 10 – Live Blog Eviction Results

UPDATE: Frankie won HoH. However the Rewind button was pushed (THAT DIDN’T TAKE LONG!), which means on Wednesday’s eviction episode, the nominees will be freed, and the houseguests will have to play the entire week over again.

Results: Nicole is Evicted. Derrick wins the HoH. Victoria and Christine are put on the Block. Frankie wins the Power of Veto. He keeps the nominees the same. Christine is evicted and is greeted by loud boos from the studio audience.

Big Brother 16 Week 10 Eviction Results and Live Blog

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house tonight? Nicole or Victoria. Plus, DOUBLE EVICTION! One week of Big Brother in one night! Live blogging the results right here.

Only 20 days remain in the battle for 500K!

Victoria is a pawn. So we all know what’s going to happen tonight (yawn) at least in the first elimination.  OHHHH. New twist tonight! The producers must know fans are bored, tired of the lack of game play. BB competes against the shiny new Utopia on Sunday. So, there’s that.

In a chat with Victoria, Nicole mocks Caleb’s inability to make big moves. She calls him a wimp. Caleb admits to Frankie that he considered putting him up. Caleb explains in diary that it was a preemptive move to keep Frankie from finding out from someone else.  He insinuates it was Cody’s idea, because he figured he had Nicole in his back pocket. Frankie buys it and is also not surprised. They both come to the conclusion that they need each other.

Cody looks ridiculous in his dino costume!

Frankie confronts Derrick in the bathroom. “You know the conversation you guys had last night,” says Frankie.  Derrick minimizes the situation, insisting that the backdoor talk wasn’t “anything serious.”  Derrick lays the blame on a paranoid Caleb, afraid of Frankie’s competitive abilities. He urges Frankie not to worry about it. But of course the talk was serious. If it weren’t for Derrick suddenly wanting Nicole out of the house, Frankie would have been toast.  He walks away unconvinced.

Derrick admits in diary that he may not have convinced Frankie, but he had to try and “talk him off the ledge. “I don’t want him taking a shot at me, Caleb or Cody.” says Derrick.

Out in the kitchen Derrick continues to work on Frankie, who firmly believes he was in danger. “If you had told me, honestly…” says Frankie. “If I go out of the game, I want the knife coming from the front.” Derrick says, “After the backlash we got from the last guy going home (Donny), you don’t have to worry about me. Oh Derrick. If you sent home Frankie, there’d be a freaking parade in your honor.

In diary Frankie expresses irritation at the way Derrick is attempting to play him. He’s still not buying it. That target on your back is growing bigger, Frankie. Better to play dumb around Derrick.  If he thinks you’re on to his game, just like Nicole, you’ll be out the door.

Derrick retells the entire Caleb/Frankie drama to Cody, who is furious that his name was dragged into it. “Caleb is a serious idiot,” he says. “He plays the game like a f*cking assclown.”  Cody is worried that Caleb blabbed everything he said to Frankie. Derrick, as he’s wont to do, talks Caleb down.  In diary, Caleb says his main focus remains to get Frankie out of the house as soon as possible.

Later, Cody and Derrick decide they have to get Frankie or Christine out, because he’s sure they’ll go after him first.  If Derrick wins the HoH, he plans to put Christine and Victoria up. If Christine takes herself down, he’ll put Frankie up in her place.  Derrick admits that he doesn’t like Christine, and will be damned if Frankie makes it to the end.  Cody regrets not getting Frankie out when they had the chance.

Julie informs the houseguests that tonight will be a double eviction.  Nobody is surprised.  Short last plea speeches from tje girls.  “Let’s stop playing big baby, lets start playing Big Brother,” Nicole boldly declares, “Let’s start making some big moves.”  Victoria says some nice things about Nicole, but stresses that she wants to continue her summer vacation stay in the house.

The Vote:

Christine – Nicole
Derrick – Nicole
Frankie – Nicole
Cody – Nicole

As expected, Nicole is evicted. Julie informs the houseguests.  The crowd roars for Nicole as she exits the house one more time! “Here we are once again,” says Julie. Nicole explains why she couldn’t get her head back in the game. It was so different coming back. She also say she can’t tell which of the remaining houseguests prevail.  Nicole grins as she realizes the detonators will now begin to turn on each other.  She is SO excited. She’d love to see Cody or maybe Christine leave tonight.

Nicole’s Post Eviction Interview

After the break! Head of Household competition! We go to the backyard. “What the Bleep” is the competition. The players will watch clips of the houseguests. One word will be bleeped out.  The houseguests answer true or false to an answer Julie suggests is the bleeped word. The first question features Donny reading his girlfriend’s letter when he was HoH. What does he miss? He misses massages. True or false?  WOW. EVERYBODY GETS IT WRONG BUT DERRICK. He’s the new Head of Household.  The houseguests mill around the living room nervously as we go to break.

Derrick takes Victoria aside to inform her she’s the pawn again. Christine hugs him, tells him she loves him. Not gonna work. The plan is to put Christine up next to Victoria. If she wins the veto, Frankie takes her place. Derrick puts the two up, with the excuse that he’s going with the house. “It’s nothing personal,” he says.

Back from break. Time for the Power of Veto competition.  In “Mazed and Confused” the players must navigate a ball through 3 unique crop circle mazes. The first to get to their ball to the end of the maze wins.

FRANKIE IS KILLING THIS COMPETITION AND IT’S PISSING ME OFF.  Ugh. Frankie wins the Power of Veto.  Another week of Mr. Social Media’s asshattery makes me want to throw things.

…And it’s another freaking boring eviction in the Big Brother house.  They had the chance to get rid of Frankie this week. BUT NO. God forbid ANYBODY make a risky move. Chances were, they could have evicted Nicole too in the 2nd round.  Dumb. Derrick is brilliant in terms of keeping himself in charge of the house. But it’s HORRIBLE TV.

Back from break, Derrick wants Frankie to keep the nominees the same. If they evict Christine, the rest of the detonators will surely make the final four, Derrick reasons. Joke is on Frankie, though. Victoria will outlast him if Derrick has anything to do with it.   Christine seems resigned to her fate.

It’s time for the Veto Ceremony. Frankie keeps the nominees the same as Derrick suggested.

“Tim you’re hot and I love you and I miss you,” says Christine, pleading her case to stay. Hm. Regardless, she feels she has more game to play in the BB house.

Time to Vote

Frankie – Christine
Caleb – Christine
Cody – Christine

Christine is evicted. OMG WHEN SHE STEPS OUT OF THE HOUSE SHE’S GREETED BY LOUD BOOS.  The houseguests are stunned. “She was CRUSHED!” says Cody.  “I guess we made the right choice,” snickers Frankie.  Oh Frankie Frankie Frankie. You have NO IDEA the world of hurt that awaits you outside the house. And I’m not gonna lie, I cannot WAIT for the wall of boos that will greet him when he’s finally evicted. “BUT MY SISTER IS ARIANA GRANDE,” he’ll wail, “WHY DON”T YOU LOVE MEEEEE!”  Crossing my fingers for a full on meltdown.

Caleb bitches that Christine didn’t thank them on the way out. WTF? “That just means we made the right choice!” Frankie insists. SO. MUCH. Hate.

Christine manages to stay composed in her post-eviction interview with Julie. I’m not exaggerating. That reception was BRUTAL. Julie notes that she didn’t say goodbye to a single person Christine admits that she was shocked to be evicted. But also that her game got messy. And she regrets sticking by the boys, realizing it was the wrong decision. Not surprised Victoria survived, Christine realizes they kept a weak player instead. She’s a little disappointed her “pals” voted her out.

The Studio Audience Boos Christine

Julie teased a NEW TWIST all through the episode. It’s called the Big Brother Rewind. A pedestal with a big button awaits. If the button is pushed at any time this week, the live eviction will stop. The nominees will come off the block and the competition resets. HoH, noms and Power of Veto will all have to be played AGAIN! In the last few minutes, the houseguests toss around ideas. They know something is coming…but what could it be?

Tonight was the LAST THURSDAY of the season, as CBS makes way for NFL football. Here’s the rest of the BB  schedule:

Sunday, September 7 at 8PM ET – Nominations
Tuesday, September 9 at 8PM ETPower of Veto
Wednesday, September 10 at 8PM – Live Eviction
Sunday, September 14 at 8PM – Nominations
Tuesday, September 16 at 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto
Wednesday, September 17 at 8PM ET – Live Eviction
Friday, September 19 at 8PM – Rounds 1 & 2 of Final Head-of-Household
Wednesday, September 24 at 9:30-11:00PM ET/PT – Season finale – Winner announced

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!