Another Sunday, Another episode of Big Brother. Join me tonight when we will see how the Head of House competition played out and who the new HoH nominates at for eviction.
I will be back later with my recap and as always feel free to discuss below.
We start off at the start of the last Head of House contest. As we get started Spencer knows he is in trouble since his only ally was just eliminated. The competition consists of the house quests walking on a spinning log. The last one standing will be the HoH.
As we get started Elissa is close to falling but recovers and keeps on walking. Candice is feeling the pain of Howard leaving but knows she needs to win the competition.
This leads to a flashback to right after Howard was told he was evicted. Amanda says that the house did the right thing since she is still in the house. Helen meanwhile pretends that Howard was a major player in the house to excuse herself from not taking out Amanda. Apparently Howard had close relationships with others in the house (From what I have seen that would be just Spencer and Candice) so he is the lynchpin that will make them tumble. This makes no sense since Howard, Spencer, and Candice had no power in the house and even if they were saved for a week to get rid of Amanda they would still have no power.
Andy meanwhile says he liked Howard as a person but he had to go because he was shady. I think that the way Howard spoke just confused people and they took it as him being shady. Amanda and Helen are far shadier characters but they talk in half-truths rather than the riddles that Howard talked in.
Back outside for the competition the log starts spinning faster and then start going in reverse. Everybody but McCrae look to be having trouble. Spencer falls first and this gets Candice to fall off. She says that she was only worried of Spencer since she felt he would put her up. This is a huge mistake since I don’t think Spencer would have gone after her and she has to worry about the mean girls because they don’t like her for reasons that are out of her control.
They are followed in quick succession by Helen, Elissa, and Amanda. This makes McCrae say he needs to win not only for himself but to protect Amanda.
After 32 minutes it is down to GinaMarie, McCrae, Judd, Andy and Jessie. Judd and Andy fall off soon after leaving just three left. Andy is upset that he hasn’t been able to win anything but feels safe because his game is based on being everyone’s friend. I like this game plan for now but I just don’t think this will get him the win. I see him finishing 3rd or 4th at this point unless he wins a HoH or some PoV competitions later in the game.
As Julie had said the first three who fall get the pick prizes out of boxes. Spencer goes first and has to speak out of a bullhorn until after the nomination ceremony. Candice gets $5000 and Helen gets to have a BBQ with herself and three other people of her choosing.
Spencer is worried about McCrae winning so is hopefully for one of the other two. Also the bullhorn would be really annoying. Jessie falls so GinaMarie starts trying to make a deal to win the HoH. She offers safety and three nights alone in the HoH room. McCrae is not biting as he says he needs to see his family but counters by offering her safety. Aaryn wants GinaMarie to win because she feels that is the only way she will be safe.
Amanda is pushing McCrae by saying they will have a room to themselves. Sex sells I guess. GinaMarie says that she needs the hair dye. GinaMarie offers McCrae the opportunity to pick one of the nominations. McCrae counters that she can pick both nominees if she jumps. GinaMarie says she just wants to win one HoH and knows she won’t win a mental challenge. She wonders why McCrae will not take any of the offers. From my point of view they are good offers.
The log starts spinning faster and GinaMarie pulls off the victory when McCrae finally falls. Aaryn is so excited since she feels like she is safe. Amanda is worried since GinaMarie is a wild card and no one knows what she will do. Helen agrees that no one knows where her head is at and instantly starts sucking up to her.
Candice is worried that GinaMarie will listen to Candice to put her up since Aaryn hates Candice.
We get some victory dancing by GinaMarie and Aaryn and both Andy and myself are dying a little on the inside having to watch it. McCrae is worried that someone will be able to influence GinaMarie such as Aaryn but Amanda says she trusts Aaryn.
Spencer and Amanda make a peace treaty for now since Spencer didn’t throw a vote at Amanda. She says that there are others she needs gone before Spencer so is open to keeping him around for a little bit.
Aaryn says that she is close to GinaMarie so it kind of feels like an extended HoH for her. Aaryn tosses out Candices name and GinaMarie says that Candice needs to go because Candice picks on Aaryn. I cannot believe how delusional these people are. They drive me crazy. They also seem to settle on Spencer as the second nominee since he voted to send Nick home.
It’s time to see GinaMarie’s HoH room. There is a beauty pageant crown and they include a picture of GinaMarie and Nick like they were a real couple. There is also candy bars, a Christina Aguilera CD, pageant dresses. It all seems childish and Andy again agrees with me when he says it seems like the bedroom of a 15 year old girl.
Helen says she has already chosen two of the people who will go for the BBQ and the third person is up for grabs. She has chosen Oil and Water (Aaryn and Elissa). She chose Aaryn because she kept her end of the deal and Elissa because she is Helen’s closest friend in the house.
Aaryn makes a mountain out of a mole hill because she heard Jessie ask Helen why she was choosing Aaryn for the BBQ. Apparently this makes everyone gasp in surprise. When Jessie walks into the room it all gets quiet Aaryn leaves the room.
Jessie seems really upset that Helen is taking Aaryn because it is a slap in the face to others who are loyal to Helen. Jessie is taking it really hard. She tells Amanda that she is tied of the fakeness and Amanda those the fact that Jessie tried to flip the house on Amanda. Andy let the beans slip to Amanda because he squashed the plan saying it was too early to go after Amanda. Amanda leaves Jessie in tears. It’s really too bad these people are too stupid and scared to actually take Amanda out like America wanted. It also amazes me that people continue trusting Andy because he cannot keep a secret for anything. He is always spilling other people’s secrets yet people keep telling him things.
The Amanda/Jessie argument continues. Without a Have Not competition they really have nothing to show on the show. Amanda says that Jessie was in a beautiful position but ruined it by targeting Amanda and playing the game. Jessie calls her out as a Bully and a Bitch. The Producers have given up and are just showing Amanda as the villain she is. Even her closest ally McCrae looks awkward listening to the argument.
McCrae tries to tell her that the argument is ruining her game and Amanda doesn’t see how it hurt her game. He say she is playing dumb and she says he never has her back. He says that he can’t have her back over something that is so petty and that she should just apologize and play the game rather than take everything so personally.
The best part of this is Spencer walking in and announcing over the bullhorn that he just wants to brush his teeth and leave the bathroom.
In the HoH room Jessie says that it would hurt them if they put Jessie in the hot seat against Candice because Amanda will push for Jessie to go home because she always tries to bully people into her agenda. GinaMarie shakes her head in agreement and admits she wants Candice to go home. This makes no sense to me on a game level because Candice is not a threat to anyone’s game at this point. Jessie also nailed Amanda’s game in how she pushed hard for what she wants others to do for her game. Of course no one does anything about it so it will just continue happening.
It’s time for the nominations. GinaMarie says her nominations will help her game and send home who she wants gone. She starts by saving Aaryn followed by Helen, McCrae, Judd, Amanda, Elissa, Spencer, and Andy.
She says she nominated Candice because Candice is a drama queen and questions her loyalty. She also seems to call her a rat and a tattle tale. She nominated Jessie because she thinks she is a flip flopper and can’t trust her. She wishes them both best of luck in the Veto.
Spencer is happy he was not nominated and Jessie says she will come out fighting. Amanda says this is what Jessie gets for acting like a child and says she will get her way with Jessie going home. I say Amanda is a fool to target Jessie for no real reason other than Jessie considered voting for her. Jessie has no real alliances (I don’t consider Judd to be in an alliance with anyone) and has no real power in the house but Amanda continues to let the game be personal.
I will be back on Tuesday for the next episode and Cory will be Live Blogging the Double Eviction episode on Thursday. See you then.