Big Brother 15 Episode 14 Discussion and Recap *Updated with Poll*

It’s the last Sunday of July and another episode of Big Brother. Join us tonight to see who Aaryn decides to nominate for eviction and who becomes the Have Nots for the week.


After a quick recap of last week’s house events. They stay Aaryn took control of the house but is it really control when she is letting Amanda call the shots.

Aaryn says that she pulled some magic out of her bag to get people to keep her. Helen hopes she didn’t make a deal with the devil while Elissa and Howard admit they would rather have Kaitlin stay but had to go with the house.

After Aaryn wins HoH Helen says that Aaryn was told days before eviction night to put up Howard and Spencer if she won HoH. I still don’t get why people are seeing Howard and Spencer as such threats. They haven’t won anything and any plans they have come up with has crashed and burned.

In the Have Not room Candice tells Howard that Aaryn made a deal with the others to stay in the house which has them scared. Aaryn tells Spencer that she has to wait to see what the house wants and can’t guarantee Spencer safety.

Helen tells Aaryn that Candice knows about the deal and she will flip when Howard is nominated. Aayrn says she will take the heat for it and will follow the deal even though she wants Elissa out. There is some awkwardness in the kitchen between Aaryn and Elissa with basically nothing being said.

When Aaryn comes out to see who wants to see her HoH room no one is anywhere. I think it would have been awesome if no one cared but instead they are all hiding up the stairs to surprise her. She opens her room that Clowney is back. Here’s hoping she never wins HoH again. She also points out that Candice has her sating axed instead of asked but I will just skip over it because it really is not important.

Helen shares with Amanda, Judd and McCrae that Candice knows about the deal. Helen is annoyed that Candice knows about the deal and is convinced that Elissa told her. Helen says that she hates to say it but Elissa needs to go.

After the commercial break McCrae and Amanda are taking a bubble bath. Amanda thinks Helen is a bigger target then her but McCrae doesn’t want any game talk right now. Amanda wonders what her mom would say about McCrae who makes $136 every two weeks (how is this even possible with minimum wage) but Amanda says that she loves him and her mom will have to deal with it. They kiss and McCrae farts. They won’t make it outside the house.

Spencer gets Aaryn to admit that her entire game right now is about protection and he says that she has nothing once the deal is done. He says that she could work with others to get more protection but it’s like talking to a wall with the blank stares.

Aaryn tells Howard about the deal and how Candice confronted Helen about outing uo her or Howard. He has the same thinking as Spencer. If she follows their plan she is right back in the same spot she was in before with no possible numbers to work with. It makes sense but again I’m pretty sure she’s too scared to make a real move. At this point this season is as predictable as Big Brother Canada except that cast was more likable.

Now we are treated to some CBS product placement with Poppy Montgomery saying that Unforgettable premiering right after Big Brother. I thought this show was cancelled but I guess not.

It’s time for the Have Not competition. There is two parts to the competition. Part one is that you have to gather all the evidence and balance it on a desk. The first team to complete it will have an advantage in part two and the team who finished last in part two will be the have nots.

Orange team is Aaryn, Elissa, McCare, and Andy

Green is Candice, Judd, Amanda, and GinaMarie

Purple is Howard, Spencer, Helen, and Jessie

The stacking portion is straight forward with Orange finishing first followed up by Green and Purple in third. Now each team gets a confidential envelope. Part two involves placing the items back on the shelves on exactly the same spot. Orange gets clues of where 10 items go, green gets hints for nine and purple gets clues for eight.

Orange quickly finishes first and Andy is finally a Have for the week. Green buzzes in and has six wrong. They are followed by Purple who are missing two. After some wuick thinking Purple switches two and are Haves for the week. That makes GinaMarie a Have Not for the first time and Candice is a Have Not again.

We are treated to more yoga from Elissa and at this point it is all she is known for in the game because her game play sucks.

Candice and Howard are talking about trying to make a big move and deciding when is the right time to go for it. Candice says Aaryn should put McCrae and Amanda up. Howard tells her to go get her bed which I’m not sure how this plays into anything.

Candice seeks a private meeting with Aaryn. Aaryn says she doesn’t want to put up Howard but the powers want them up. Candice throws out Amanda and McCrae but Aaryn thinks Amanda is keeping her safe. Aaryn says that when Candice talks to her she has a Candice switch which shuts out anything she says.

Candice tells Howard that there is nothing that can be done. She tells Howard that Aaryn thinks Amanda has been saving her and now she thinks there is a bigger target on her back. She seems to be blaming Howard for getting her to go talk to Aaryn. She tells Howard to have a good life. She seems to be shutting down and tells Howard to leave her alone.

Up in the HoH house Andy tries to get a commitment from Aaryn to out Howard and Spencer up. Aaryn wants to put Elissa up since she thinks Elissa is the only person who will target her. Andy says that Howard and Spencer are schemers and it amazes me that no one notices that Andy is also a schemer. Maybe it’s because he hasn’t done anything of importance in the house but someone how he knows everything that happens.

It’s time for the Nomination Ceremony. Aaryn starts by pulling out GinaMarie, followed by Jessie, Andy, Elissa, Candice, Helen, McCrae, Amanda, and Judd. Unsurprisingly the nominations are Spencer and Howard. It’s nothing personally but she says it is what is best for her game. This is clearly a lie since neither Spencer or Howard would have gone after her and at best it games her four weeks in the house. If there is a Double Eviction soon they will probably use it to take her out then because she isn’t really committed to anyone.

Spencer is sure that Aaryn is just a puppet for the rest of the house while Helen is happy Aaryn followed the plan and now just needs to worry about the MVP.

Cory will be here Tuesday and Wednesday for the episodes and I’ll be back next weekend for the Power Rankings. Enjoy the week folks!