America’s Got Talent 2015 Audition 2 – Wayne Hoffman
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Next, we have Wayne Hoffman, a mentalist! He is a new dad who will be doing something he put together special for the show. He is going to put three firecrackers in his mouth and light them on fire….. WHAT?! Lets see what he has planned. Ohhhhh he explains that only one of them is real, the others are just duds. Howie is invited on stage and mixes the three fire crackers. After a long and drawn out act, he correctly guesses which were the duds and the real one. The duds are placed in his mouth and don’t go off while the real one explodes in a box. Eh, I have seen this act before done tons of diffrent ways. He was okay though, I guess. This trick just didn’t dazzle me. Wayne is through to the next round though nonetheless!