Disqualified Season 2 American Idol contestant, Corey Clark, was released from a Yuma County Arizona Jail Monday night after no charges were filed against him. His estranged wife, Monica Clark, had filed a domestic violence case last Wednesday, claiming he was stalking her outside a Yuma restaurant.
“Every time I come into town I’m being harassed, accosted, attested, bullied, and threatened to be arrested by the police most of the time in front of my kids,” said Corey told Fox 5 news outside of the courthouse.
Corey tells FOX 5 he was complying with court orders, He and wife Monica are the the midst of divorce proceedings:
Corey alleged he waited outside the Yuma County Superior Court, as he stated to Monica Clark in advance, to meet with their children. The two share custody of the three kids. Corey Clark says instead of bringing the children, his wife passed by with a unnamed man and walked into the nearby restaurant. He then claimed to send another e-mail to her to communicate he didn’t see their kids as was planned.
“We’ve been battling with this situation and her family over our kids since our oldest was one years old,” said Clark.
Afterward, Corey Clark says he was confronted by authorities that took him into custody based on the domestic violence allegations his wife brought on. According to the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office, Clark was arrested on failure to comply with a court order and aggravated harassment.
Monica Clark filed an order of protection against Corey Clark the same day of his recent arrest. Corey is forbidden from his wife’s residence and can only contact her through legal process or a third party.
“My mission is just to raise my kids. Love my kids. That’s it,” Corey said. “I don’t have anything else to say to her. Her and I are done. It’s a wrap.”
Via Kyma.com
Watch the FOX 5 interview right here: