American Idol 9 Top 9 Redux Results – Recap Roundup

‘American Idol’: Adam Lambert completely blew my everlovin’ mind (on the scene for results night)

Fans of my snark demon Smirkelstilskin will be sorely disappointed to learn that he will not be appearing in this on-the-scene recap of last night’s American Idol results show (after this paragraph, anyway). Smirkel had such high hopes for it, too, given that the very first sign we saw upon entering the Idoldome said “CT hearts Katie!” (like, the very same CT from The Real World Paris, and The Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Inferno, and The Inferno II, and The Duel, and The Inferno III, and The Gauntlet 3, and The Duel 2? That CT? Who knew he was such a fan of reality competition shows?). But then Adam Lambert took to the stage, delivering by miles the best live guest performance I’ve seen on an Idol results show ever in the history of awesome. Alas, Smirkel became so enraptured by Glambert’s laser-light tornado that he let one of the green laser beams hit him square in his third eye. He’s currently convalescing inside Randy Jackson’s belly button lint trap.

Entertainment Weekly

Live at American Idol: Anatomy of a Bromance Breakup

• When Andrew’s elimination was first announced, Lee dropped his head and looked lost through the rest of the taping.

• Everyone crowded around Garcia soon after…except Lee, who stood off to the side. (Must have been too painful.) The twosome got in a hug at the very end of the show, but during the goodbye video Lee just seemed like a sad little pup. We volunteered to console him, but were kindly denied.

• While Katie sang her final song, Andrew was brought back onstage for their video sendoff. While she performed, Lee kept trying to get off the couch to go over to his bud, but the stage manager intervened.


Jim Cantiello’s American Idol in 60 seconds, after the jump…

More Recaps after the JUMP…

American Idol Recap – Two Blue

An American Idol results show can be a lightning rod for powerful human emotions. It doesn’t matter how many years or months pass, it only takes a moment to conjure up the fury of watching Chris Daughtry finish fourth in season 5, to channel the disbelief of seeing Fantasia, J.Hud, and LaToya London in a season 3 bottom 3 (with John Stevens and Jasmine Trias standing in safety), or to revisit the tears of witnessing Allison Iraheta perform a mesmerizing sing-out to ”Cry Baby” a little less than a year ago.

Entertainment Weekly

‘American Idol’ Doubles The Pain

Last week’s ‘American Idol‘ elimination episode summoned the sort of triumphant moment that can only be brought about by teetering close to the brink… one that can only be followed up by a double dose of pain. Yes, Michael Lynche’s save by the judges last week led to two contestants needing to be eliminated this evening. So sad! Or was it?

Perhaps by design, the show started off with a cheesy, dreadful, horrible, “cabaret, ” any-other-derogatory-adjective-you-can-think-of medley of Elvis songs that made one long for the relative wit and musical sophistication of Jive Bunny and the Mastermixers. It’s almost as if the producers were trying to make the viewers at home not mind so much that two people would be sent home tonight!


Adam Lambert Returns To ‘American Idol’ Stage With ‘Whataya Want From Me’

There’s an old saying that you can’t go home again. On Wednesday night (April 14), however, Adam Lambert did exactly that — and left a worldwide audience welcoming him back with open arms.

“Adam is the King!” read a sign held in the air by an “American Idol” audience member, moments before the season-eight runner-up took the stage in the newest role of his career: music icon. Appearing as a mentor on Tuesday’s episode, Lambert reminded the “AI” folks why he’s a fan favorite.


Katie Stevens And Andrew Garcia Sent Home On ‘American Idol’

Despite doubling up on the eliminations thanks to Michael Lynche’s save last week, there were no major upsets on Wednesday night’s (April 14) “American Idol, ” as bottom-three regulars Andrew Garcia and Katie Stevens were sent into “AI” purgatory until this summer’s tour. It was a surprisingly dry-eyed goodbye, as the two underperforming singers appeared resigned to their fate as “Idol” footnotes.

The eliminations came after a season-high 34 million votes were cast and, thankfully, the end came quickly for Andrew Garcia. Host Ryan Seacrest brought him out alongside Casey James and Aaron Kelly near the top of the show, and rather than putting him through the usual torture of waiting nearly 55 minutes to learn his fate, Seacrest abruptly said, “Andrew, it’s the end of the road. I’m sorry. America has voted. It’s the last chance tonight on ‘Idol.’ ”


It’s the end of the ‘Idol’ road for Garcia, Stevens

“Idol Gives Back” takes place next week, bumping the results show that usually takes place on Wednesdays. And this week offered a preview of that event with footage of Elliott Yamin and Kara DioGuardi in Africa showing where previous “Idol” charity dollars have gone and where new cash will hopefully be going.

As cynical as I am, it’s hard to argue that the event isn’t a nice way to get people to open their hearts and wallets to groups that can probably put the dollars to better use than the IRS, which is where many of us will be sending our money Thursday.


Two ‘Idol’ hopefuls deprived of hope — and Adam Lambert sings!

In the black-and-white flashback to last night’s show that kicked off tonight’s elimination edition of “American Idol, ” Adam Lambert noted, with a snap, “If you want to win this competition, you’ve got to wake up.”

Despite Lambert’s best efforts at boosting the energy on the “Idol” stage tonight — and darned if he didn’t give it his all with a high-octane, laser-enhanced version of his hit “Whataya Want From Me, ” prompting Ryan Seacrest to remark afterward, “Now that’s a performance. Wow!” — all that last season’s “Idol” glam king could accomplish here was to showcase how sleepy things were looking with this year’s contestants tonight. Even the reportedly over-caffeinated Seacrest failed to liven things up with the peculiar antics he’s lately adopted as his trademark.

LA Times

‘Idol’ Top 9 Results Shocker: America Gets It Right!

At the end of last week’s “American Idol” results show, everybody was in high spirits, all smiles and giggles, because the Judges’ Save was used to spare lovable Michael Lynche and no one actually went home. The delighted contestants subsequently whooped it up onstage as if they’d all won the show in a nine-way tie and had all been handed six-figure record contracts by Simon Fuller himself. But once the curtain fell and the confetti settled, the top nine probably realized they shouldn’t have been so dang happy after all.

USA Today

Double Your Pleasure! AI9 Top 9 Elvis Week Elimination Recap

Nothing says dramatic like black & white imagery, so let’s relive last Wednesday’s dramatic save…in black & white. Tonight on American Idol, TWO contestants will be going home. So let’s reflect upon last night’s performance episode in full color, albeit with dream-like blurriness created in Final Cut.

Tonight, Adam Lambert will be performing, as will Season 7’s fifth-place finisher Brooke White and Justin Gaston. Gaston is of zero importance, yet he owns a guitar, once dated Miley Cyrus, and lives in the Simon-Fuller-owned If I Can Dream House alongside the [vastly more talented] Alex Lambert.

Top Idol

American Idol Recap: Mediocrity Minus Two

Last night’s episode of American Idol was a palate-cleansing experience, with two performers (one inept, one adequate) falling prey to Idol voters’ indifference. After an acceptable, but debatable save last week used on Michael Lynche, it was a relief to see two singers ejected who clearly weren’t going to make the top five anyway.

The overall enjoyable episode (thanks, Adam Lambert!) got off to a rough start. The opening medley of Elvis songs was sub-par Broadway schmaltz, the likes of which would make even Auntie Mame roll her eyes. The following Ford music video seemed to imply that driving a Ford Fiesta would make more trees grow, which seems wrong, but James Inhofe tells me there’s some good science to support that theory.

NY Mag

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!