American Idol 10 Brings It On in Las Vegas

Ryan Seacrest, Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson held a 15 minute press conference today outside the Cirque Du Soleil LOVE theater at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas.

The crew didn’t reveal anything about the American Idol 10 Hollywood Rounds that we already didn’t know. The remaining 60 contestants are in Vegas to perform Beatles songs with a live band on the LOVE stage for the judges.   Twenty contestants will be cut during this special “Las Vegas” mini round.

Instead of spilling secrets, the gang spent most of the short press conference talking up the upcoming season of American Idol.

“We all want them to do well because we actually believe in them, ” said music producer Randy Jackson, the lone remaining original “Idol” judge.

“You really get to see who are the performers and who is not going to be the performers, ” said Lopez, clad in a silver jumper that barely covered her tanned thighs, at a news conference outside the theater Tuesday.

The anticipation of singing before two of music’s most successful acts has helped motivate the contestants, Jackson said.

“They don’t want to let these guys down, ” he said. “I don’t think that kind of emotion existed previously in the show, ” Lopez added.

Lopez said the female singers were outdoing their male counterparts and Jackson called a handful of 15-year-old performers impressive.

The players have changed. But the rhetoric? Not so much.

To prepare for their Vegas performances, the Hollywood contestants  have been working with Idol mentor Jimmy Iovine and an all-star group of producers.

“I’ve been calling it ‘Season 10, the Remix, ‘”  says Randy.

We’ll see if a re-configured judges’ panel, plus Jimmy Iovine and his crew of hip, young producers can bring a new relevance to an aging American Idol.

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!