Allison Iraheta spent Sunday (October 18) filming the music video for her single, “Friday I’ll Be Over U”, directed by talent from Syndrome Studios. (check out the studio reel HERE)
On her way home from the shoot, Allison tweets about the fun she had:
@Allison4realzz: Alright on maa waayy home.. Vid shoot was way fun and is ‘fin too be
aweeeesommmmeee …. And thanks for all ze kind words on theee Pic!!
The pic Allison is referring to is from a set of photos tweeted by her hairstylist and make-up artist (see photos above and below).
Both appeared to be impressed by our red-headed rocker.
Tweets from the make-up artist, @missjobaker:
Just wrapped @Allison4Realzzz video- watch out kid she is coming for the platinum sales and about to take over- one talented mutha!!
@aMUSEdbyADISON thanks – she is killing her performance…
And from the hairstylist, @larryjarahsims:
On the set of Alisson Ireheta’s video shoot goofing around…she’s a efen
Go go Allison!
Bonus: Kris Allen also recently finished shooting his music video. Unfortunately, he was a little more circumspect with the deets: @KrisAllen4Real (10/17) Shooting the video tonight for the single! Start at 8 pm and go to 8 am. Woah. (10/18) Video is gonna be awesome guys! Had a great time shooting it last night….and this morning.