Adam Lambert “On With The Show” Track List

TMZ reports they have the track list for Adam Lambert’s pre-Idol album On With The Show.   The percentages listed beside each of the songwriters names seems odd. Is that standard?   There are a lot of co-writes with Madonna’s guitarist, Monte Pittman, from Adam’s band Citizen Vein.

Songs like “Crawl Thru Fire” and “Kiss and Tell” have been floating around the net for months attributed to Adam and are not considered demos…

Check out the track list, after the jump…

1. Beg For Mercy   -Adam Lambert 50%, Monte Lee Pitman 50%
2. Crawl Thru Fire – Adam Lambert 50%, Monte Lee Pitman 50%
3. Want – Micheal Burtscher 100%
4. Kiss and Tell – Adam Lambert 50%, Kiril Dziajkovski 50%
5. Just The Way It Is – Adam Lambert 50%, Monte Lee Pittman 50%
6. Turning On – Adam Lambert 50%, Monte Lee Pittman 50%
7. On With The Show – Michael Burtscher
8. Runaway – Adam Lambert 50%, Monte Lee Pittman 50%
9. 15 Minutes of Fame – Adam Lambert 50% Monte Lee Pittman 50%
10. The Circle – Adam Lambert 50%, Monte Lee Pittman 35%, Tommy Victor 15%
11. mp3 Killed The Record Companies – Adam Lambert 50%, Monte Lee Pittman 50%

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Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!