Adam Lambert – MusikFest – Bethlehem, PA – 08/13/10

Adam Lambert, Allison Iraheta and Orianthi are playing Musikfest in Bethlehem, PA tonight. Doors open at 6:00pm EST.

Musikfest is a 10 day festival in the middle of Bethlehem, PA.  With closed off streets, food and more than 300 performances across 10 days.  This festival attracts over a million people every year.

Photos by: LightLoveAdam, heidileiby, wenn,  In Rock magazine

Poster by: mlg_0621

Twitter List:

There could possibly be some DH’ing going on HERE and with extra glitter HERE.

Bethlehem reporter Lynn Olanoff will be live blogging from the show tonight follow her HERE

Voodoo/DTRH/ROF Suz526

Fever Suz526

Sleepwalker Suz526

WWFM Suz526

Soaked Suz526

Aftermath Suz526

SFW with band interlude Suz526

Strut partial suz526

Music Again Suz526

IIHY with intros Suz526

TCB Suz526