Two contestants, three rounds. Ryan Seacrest explained how it will work on Friday’s Larry King Live:
- Round One – The Contestant Favorites – Favorite song from the season is how Ryan described it.
- Round Two – Simon Fuller Pick
- Round Three – The Winner Single – There is only one coronation song this year
If the kids have to reprise a song, I suggest reaching back into the competition a few weeks rather than picking a song that’s still fresh in the viewers minds.
For me, I’d love to hear Adam reprise either “Mad World” or “Tracks of My Tears”. If I had to pick one it would be “Tracks of My Tears”–that performance was the moment America fell in love with Adam Lambert. If Simon Fuller picks a ballad, and Adam decides to pick something upbeat, I’d so go for the crowd-pleasing “Black and White”.
For Kris, I’d go with the ballad “To Make You Feel My Love” or for something a little more upbeat, “Ain’t No Sunshine.”
Note to Simon Fuller: I hope you’ve kept it a level playing field by finding good songs that fit each contestant’s individual style.
Well, a girl can dream, can’t she?
If you were Simon Fuller, what would you pick for the Idols to sing? Which songs would you like to hear Adam Lambert and Kris Allen perform again? And what are your thoughts on the Season 8–possibly penned by judge Kara DioGuardi–coronation song? Could Kara write the perfect winner’s song? Or will it be the same old pile of crap?And I fully expect the coronation song to be a steaming pile of poo. Here’s hoping Adam and Kris can re-arrange as needed…