Week 4: TOP 12 will sing songs about love and heartbreak. Song spoilers!
Link to live stream:
Nu Vibe – With Or Without You (U2) – WATCH
I guess this is how U2 would sound with David Guetta’s production? Gah, I can’t get David Guetta/Usher collaboration, “Without You” out of my head. Singing wise, this isn’t that bad.
Louis: The best thing about this group is image. But there is no vibe. Gary agrees with Louis, but Kelly
thinks they did much better than last week. Tulisa is also happy with their performance. So the panel is split 50/50.
Sami Brookes – I Will Always Love You (Whitney Houston) – WATCH
Vocally this is impressive. Oh look, the choir! How predictable. I’m bored. Zzzzzzzzz.
The judges loved it.
Craig Colton – Best Thing I Never Had (Beyonce) – WATCH
For some reason, I hate Craig’s performances. He definitely can sing, but Gary’s song choices and old-fashioned re-arrangements leave me cold. It happened last week with “Jar of Hearts” and this week it happened again with “Best Thing I Never Had”. The judges loved it, but Kelly didn’t love the song choice.
Janet Devlin – I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You (Elvis Presley) – WATCH
Her grandfather passed away this week.
Zzzzzz. What a snoozefest. The same thing every week. I don’t think she will last until the finale.
Frankie Cocozza – The Scientist (Coldplay) – WATCH
Gary changed his song yesterday. Frankie forgot the words in dress rehearsal. Ugh, this sounds sup-par. Desperate.
Louis didn’t like it. Tulisa and Kelly also thought this was a bad song choice.
Johnny Robinson – Can’t Get You Out Of My Head (Kylie Minogue) – WATCH
Oh My God. You have to see it to believe it. Japanese themed drag show with a drag queen without a wig? Who needs Goldie Cheung, when we can have Johnny? Well, at least it was entertaining.
Marcus Collins – Russian Roulette (Rihanna) – WATCH
Vocals are okay, but it just doesn’t seem like a good song choice. What’s up with Gary’s song choices? Come on Gary, try harder!
Rhythmix – I’m Like A Bird (Nelly Furtado) – WATCH
Give girlband a chance! They are good, surprisingly good. Ugh, Tulisa, I’m sure the girls are real people.
Misha B – Would I Lie To You (Charlie and Eddie) – WATCH
She is great. Seriously. Just sign her now. She seems like a guest performer, not a contestant.
The Risk – Just The Way You Are (Bruno Mars) – WATCH
They sound good, but I don’t love the arrangement. Wow, the judges just can’t stop rambling.
Sophie Habibis – Wherever You Will Go (The Calling) – WATCH
Umm, didn’t she do something similar with “Teenage Dream” last week? Gary thinks she misses a spark. Yeah, just like all boys in his category (But he is kinda right.).
Jedward in the audience!
Kitty Brucknell – It’s Oh So Quiet (Bjork) – WATCH
Brian May loved her last week’s performance. :)
Wow, she definitely a great performer. Really unique. But I don’t see her as a recording artist. She can sing and is entertaining to watch, but you can’t see that on an album.
Tomorrow: Katy Perry and The Wanted
Sooo, what do you think?
The boys just don’t do it for me this year. Gary’s poor song choices and rearrangements suck. I can’t believe it, but he is the worst mentor of the 4.
Janet and Sophie seem like one trick ponies so far, but Misha B is a BEAST.
The overs are … a beautiful disaster. Sami is a great vocalist, but old fashioned and boring, Johnny is this year’s joke contestant and Kitty is this year’s bad girl. I actually think Louis did a great job this week. But I don’t see any of the three as a successful recording artist.
And the groups? With a lot of hard work I could see all three groups (especially both boybands) as real groups. The girlband, Rhythmix, actually isn’t that bad, but they are still a girlband. It’s not that the UK hates girlbands: Girls Aloud, The Saturdays and Sugababes do just fine, but X Factor girlbands never go far. It’s a shame, because Rhythmix are quite good. They just need a makeover.
I think they are throwing Nu Vibe under the bus to get The Risk further in the competition. Too bad. I don’t think The Risk is that much better than Nu Vibe, to be honest.