Last night, the Top 9 X Factor contestants gave thanks in song. What did the internet pundits think about last night’s teary episode? Check our roundup of recaps below. If you haven’t already, read my live blog with photos and videos HERE.
‘The X Factor’ recap: The top 9 give us a lot to be thankful for – More backstory: I’ve complained before that “X Factor” hasn’t revealed enough about the contestants’ offstage lives, which lowers the emotional stakes. On Tuesday night’s show, the contestants each dedicated their performances to someone they were grateful for, and before they stepped out on the stage to sing, we got to see them speaking revealingly about their lives and loves, mothers and daughters, fathers and friends, troubles and triumphs, hopes, dreams and enduring faith. – LA Times
‘The X Factor’ recap: A New Gratitude – Howdy, folks! Annie’s a little busy with the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive season finale of Dancing With the Stars, so I’ll be filling in for her tonight. During last week’s results show, the XBox was shaken to its very core when Lil’ Astro acted like an ungrateful snot. The X Factor’s logical next step? An episode themed around graciousness, of course. As Simon says, each contestant will “dedicate the song to somebody who’s made a difference in their lives and who they want to thank. BUT” — and here’s the twist — “it’s still a competition.” Devious! – EW
‘X Factor’: Top 9 give thanks, Simon snipes, Astro eats humble pie – This sort of spoiler right at the top is messing with the whole live reality show premise, and we’re momentarily thrown, but ready to move on. “The pressure is immense,” says show host Steve Jones, because two acts must go home tomorrow. – Washington Post
Simon calls out L.A.’s ‘stupid criticism’ on ‘X Factor’ – The “X Factor” theme on Tuesday was Thanksgiving, with the nine remaining performers dedicating their songs to someone who inspired them. Every backstory was touching, every clip was heartwarming … and since this is a double elimination week, tomorrow, two of those inspiring numbers will result in a pink slip.
Pass the turkey … here’s a plane ticket home, and happy holidays from Fox! – MSNBC
‘X Factor’ Watch: Where’d That Accent Come From? – It was a give-thanks night on “The X Factor” on Tuesday, so what are we thankful for? That the judges Simon Cowell and L.A. Reid don’t sit next to each other, because if they did, they would surely have come to blows over Mr. Reid’s ridiculous criticism of the song choice for Mr. Cowell’s contestant, the teenager Drew. – NY Times
‘X Factor’ Redux: Melanie Amaro Finds Her Spirit and Her Accent (Video) – Heralding the arrival of the holiday season, Fox’s The X Factor contestants performed songs dedicated to someone they are thankful for. For most, the personal touch of this week’s theme really allowed the artists to take an extra step in showing us who they are.- The Hollywood Reporter
‘X Factor’: Astro Raps Through His Drama – Teen rapper Astro addressed his blow-up last week and promised to not let his fans down again during Tuesday’s (November 22) performance episode of “The X Factor,” which found the competition’s top nine contestants dedicating their performances to special people in their lives. – MTV
X Factor – The Top 9 Perform – I gotta admit, kids, an hour into tonight’s The X Factor: Thanksgiving Edition ( Now with more grainy family photos and tears!) I thought I wasn’t going to make it. We soulless Internet grumps can only withstand so many piano-backed montages before we eventually crack and pen all-caps late-night emails to our editors saying we relinquish our reviewing posts and are heading off on an ice fishing expedition as far away from humanity and television as possible. But I have two men to thank for bringing me back from the edge, and they are Brian Bradley and Josh Krajcik, who both for completely different reasons, reminded me that this show can be pretty fun when it wants to be. – AV Club
X Factor: Thanks for nothing (except Josh) – Oh, X Factor. Why the themes? Giving thanks? Really? GROAN. Astro thanking fans for sticking with him through “hard times?” Like what? A tantrum? Silliness. But it’s not going to be heartwarming for everyone. TWO singers will be sent home for the holidays Wednesday. The lowest vote-getter automatically gets the boot. Then, the next two acts battle it out. YAY MORE DRAMA. Here we go. – Houston Chronical