The contestants will each sing a song dedicated as a “thank you” to an important person in their lives. Tomorrow will be a DOUBLE ELIMINATION night.
So WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??? Did I just enter bizarro world for two hours? I suppose tonight’s show was Simon’s idea of delivering touching stories that would help viewers bond with the remaining contestants. But, to be honest, the effect was just the opposite. Tonight’s show was like a singing competition on acid. First, the majority of the performances were not very good, yet the judges praised nearly everything. The contestants seemed out of sorts–perhaps feeling the stress of tomorrow’s double elimination? Nicole and Paula took turns behaving like crying lunatics. LA Reid revealed a scary lack of basic knowledge about pop music, the sob stories were heavy handed, contestants began speaking in tongues *coughmelaniecough*, others reprised audition songs out of desperation. contestants who don’t normally act out lost their tempers, those who needed to show gratitude made it about themselves. Altogether a strange strange night.
Only Josh turned in a perfect performance, free of superfluous drama. He easily had the performance of the night. He’s a throwback–exactly the type of singer the older voting demo loves. He could win this whole thing.
Here come the judges, to the strains of Diana Ross’s “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”.
The lowest vote getter will automatically go home. The next 2 lowest vote getters will sing off for the judges’ who will pick the second contestant who goes home.
LA Reid says, after last week’s show, he had a talk with Astro about his meltdown. Obvs it didn’t help.
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Rachel Crow – Simon Cowell – Girls – “I Believe” – The song is dedicated to her parents who adopted her as a crack baby. Boy, they’re really going for the tear jerk tonight. Rachel worked it, but the big production kind of swallowed her, especially on the choruses. Kind of corny and syrupy– Simon, once again, picked the wrong song for Rachel, who seemed overwhelmed by everything going on around her. She couldn’t hit some of those high notes. His song choices continue to underserve Rachel’s talent. LA: You did it again. I wanted to be critical, but you shut me down. Nicole: You’ve made a believer out of me. You’re such an inspiration. Paula: You opened up the show in such a grand way. You look adorable. Simon: This is not a night to be sad. It’s a night to be thankful. That was a great vocal, great performance. Steve gives Rachel a hug.– 1-855-843-9301 Text vote to 9301 –
Marcus Canty – LA Reid – The Boys – “A Song For Mama” by Boyz II Men – Marcus dedicates his song to his mom. Marcus grew up in a bad neighborhood, but mom sent him to a private school. Oh look. There’s mama in the audience near tears. Marcus is a little underpitch. I know he loves his mama, but this is a terrible song pick. His voice is cracking on the high notes. Is he just filled with emotion or having a bad day? He goes to the side stage to take his mama’s hand. Meh. This is boring. Ohhhh. He’s shaking his head. He knows he sucked. He hugs moms. Nicole: You making all the other sons look bad out there. So beautiful and so precious. (Marcus is crying) It was so honest, you didn’t over do anything. Paula: Tonight, the passion and connection–God bless your mom. Simon: You’ve had a yo yo ride so far. For the first time I actually felt a connection with you. You’ve put yourself back in the competition tonight. LA: I know some great singers. You are as great as any great singer I’ve ever known. You’re top notch. Am I in alternate universe crazy town? That was not very good. – 1-855-843-9302 Text vote to 9302 –
So are the judges going to blow smoke up every contestant’s ass this week? Because so far, there have not been any performances worth the crazy praise the judges have been doling out.
Melanie Amaro – Simon Cowell – Girls – “The World’s Greatest” by R. Kelly – She’s dedicating her song to THE LORD. Oh geez. Pander for votes much? I’m sure GOD is enjoying that song written and performed by a PEDO. So Melanie sings a gospel song. How is that interesting? Or different? She’s still not proving to me that she can be relevant. She was flat on the high notes. LA: That was really good. You look great tonight. (Melanie begins to sort of freak out–like she’s on crack or something. WHAT THE HELL. Melanie literally begins losing her mind on stage. She dedicated her song to “God”. Maybe that’s why she began speaking in tongues? As she begins freaking out, thanking everyone she could think of, ranting about how grateful she was, her voice sinks deeper and deeper into this weird Island patois, which is apparently the way she really speaks? Instead of being moved, I was actually a little frightened.). Nicole, crying wants to give Melanie a hug. Paula: I was waiting for your vulnerability to come out. Always show that vulnerability. Simon: Please don’t let Melanie go home! We need this girl in the competition. – 1-855-843-9303 Text vote to 9303 –
Chris Rene – LA Reid – BOYS – “Let it Be” by the Beatles – Dedicates his song to his rehab counselor, Tim. This is some jacked up reggae version of the song, and I don’t like it all. He barely sings parts of it. He’s not a singer, and this tune is revealing that, quite painfully. He inserts his “Young Homie” song in the middle. Wow. Dude is desperate, or what? Not good. He’s off key throughout, even when he raps. So far, these performances are not impressive. Nicole: Look how powerful the music is that you write. You are such an example and such a blessing. Paula: We’re all grateful to have you. Thank you so much for your dedication. Thank you all the counselors saving lives (Well, I second that) Simon: I didn’t think the first song worked. Thank god you went into the second song to remind me of why you liked me in the first place. You may have helped thousands of people. I hope people keep you in the competion. LA: I believe in you. – 1-855-843-9304 Text vote to 9304 –
Lakoda Rayne – Paula Abdul – Groups – “You Belong With Me” by Taylor Swift – They want to give “special thanks” to various family names. Too lazy to name them all! Ha ha. Wow wow wow. Not only are they singing Taylor Swift, but they are ripping off her stage props too. These harmonies are excruciating. Paula is CRYING. YIKES. Now, will the judges praise this? Their voices don’t blend well at all, they don’t sing as if they belong together, and they are about as country as Justin Bieber. LA: This week you managed to drum up some excitement. You disarmed me. Nicole: You sounded amazing. I felt like I was watching you in concert. Simon: This is by far your best performance to date. The more you stay, the more America will get to know you. Paula: Is crying. The sky is the limit. You are amazing. I am so proud. – 1-855-843-9305 Text vote to 9305 –
LeRoy Bell – Nicole Scherzinger – Over 30s – “In The Arms Of An Angel” By Sarah McLachlan – He’s giving thanks to his mom. She passed away two years ago. He was devastated. This isn’t bad. I think LeRoy’s heartfelt emotions would have come through more convincingly in a stripped down arrangement. I would have lost the gospel choir and overwhelming backing track. LA: That was really good. To me it wasn’t your very best.It was heartfelt for sure. Paula: I could not disagree with you more. It was the most beautiful performance you’ve ever given. Simon: This is the first time I felt that you meant every word. It was a fantastic tribute to your mom. Congratulations. Nicole: This is your moment. I asked you to let go and not hold back. I know your mom is shining down on you right now. – 1-855-843-9306 Text vote to 9306 –
Astro – LA Reid – Boys – A completely original tune – He’s dedicating his song to his supporters. Hey Astro, where’s the part where you accuse the show of fixing the bottom 2? He claims he was “frustrated”. Astro’s mom said “He felt hurt.” Not “I told him to quit!” Fifteen is the new 25? Oh really? This rap is all about…him. The gratitude is overflowing! “Bloggers they hate me!” LOLZZZZZZZZZ. He raps to his “astronauts” and name checks places around the world “I do this for ya’ll” “Show me what you got X factor, Show me what you got Team Astro”. “I’ll never let you down again,” says Astro after he finishes. There’s no doubt little dude has talent, but in this type of competition, it doesn’t matter. Astro’s “song of gratitude” was all about…himself. The kid can bust a rhyme for sure, but he did not seem particularly sorry. He needed to seem truly contrite to overcome last week’s meltdown, and I don’t think he did enough. Also, he’s been saying a ton of crazy stuff in the press the past two days that wasn’t addressed at all tonight. His most sincere moment on the X Factor stage was his breakdown after Simon lectured him last week. He didn’t need to cry tonight, but he had to let his facade down long enough to show the audience he was truly sorry. That didn’t happen. I expect him to last a week or two, tops. Nicole: I’m very proud of you Astro. I want you moving foward. Always remain grateful. That’s what’s going to take you all the way. Paula: You are well on your way to becoming prolific. Simon: I admire you. We all have tantrums. You find it hard to express yourself. The music needs unpredictability. It wasn’t the perfect song. But it showcased your talent. LA: I think you did the necessary thing. You humbled yourself. You did a great job. – 1-855-843-9307 Text vote to 9307 –
Drew – Simon Cowell – Girls – “Skyscraper” by Demi Lovato – She dedicates her song to her best friend Shelby, who helped Drew accept herself. Drew is absolutely lovely on the verses, but when she steps out and tries to power through the chorus her performance is overwhelmed by the music. She’s just NOT a power belter. Still, Drew had some great moments in the song. She really felt it. Suddenly, LA Reid decided to actually “critique” a performance, and what he had to say had me feeling second hand embarrassment for him. It’s hard to believe that a record executive has no idea that “Skyscraper” was recorded by a teenager for fellow teenagers. Drew, completely out of character, began arguing with LA about the song. By this time, the show was completely off the rails.LA: He tells Drew he thinks she’s a great singer but that her mentor is giving her songs for people who are 40. WHAT? Is it possible that LA has no idea that an actual teenager–Demi Lovato–recorded the song? Teenagers LOVE this song. I’m feeling second hand embarrassment for LA. Drew talks back to him, uncharacteristically angry. She’s probably as taken aback by his stupidity as everyone else. Nicole: It felt like you worked it out this week. Paula: you’re a lovely friend to dedicate it. I loved when the tempo picked up. She mentions that the song was performed by a young person. Simon: I’m very proud of you. I’m directing this to LA: ” I’m sick to death of your pointless useless criticism!” Simon and LA begin arguing. Simon reminds him that it’s a young girl’s song. LA remains clueless. – 1-855-843-9308 Text vote to 9308 –
Josh Kracjik – Nicole Scherzinger – Over 30s – “Wild Horses” by The Rolling Stones – He dedicates his song to his daughter. He was only 17 when he had her. Josh sings a tune he’s been performing for a long time. He performs it, sitting at the piano. It’s very heartfelt and powerful. Josh can be predictable, but he does his thing every week. The best vocal performance of the night. LA: You have the right amount of everything. You have everything it takes to win this competition. Paula: You are larger than life. This is going to be so hard. You’re brilliant. Simon: It’s about a great song, great voice. You meant every word you sang. You’ve done an outstanding job tonight. Nicole: She’s balling of course. I strongly believe that your music can change the world. I appreciate you so much. That was breathtaking. He thanks the audience and the people back home. – 1-855-843-9309 Text vote to 9309 –