Stavros will not be able to live-blog the DWTS finale until later tonight. In the meantime, you can chat about DWTS here.
Hi I’m here! :)
As soon as I turned my TV on, I saw Ricki getting interviewed. I guess that means she’s out of it. Too bad-she was the best technical dancer this season. I like my technique!! So Rob and J.R. are the final two…hmm. I think J.R.’s got this wrapped up. If you told me Rob would be in the Top 2 in week one, I wouldn’t believe you. Good for him! Rob could always turn things around though–he’s got over 2 million Twitter followers, and his whole family together must have like 25 million viewers–tell them all to vote once and well…we’ll see!
Soon J.R. Martinez and Karina Smirnoff will dance their final dances of the season! J.R. will dance first, followed by Rob.
Lookback on past weeks! Wow…I only vaguely remember Meta and Elisabetta. AH WE SEE KRISTIN’S ELMINATION. Ugh Kristin was actually really good. She should be in this final. Meta/Peta and Elisabetta/Val hit the stage. Meta’s not half bad! Elisabetta’s improved a whole lot too!
Next up is Kristin and Mark! Love this jive (lindy hop?)! She’s really a great performer. Standing O from the judges. What could have been… Next up is another early favorite, Chynna Phillips. They’re taking on the Mission Impossible dance that she botched and got eliminated from in week 4. We’ll see how she does this time around! Chynnda definitely could have cracked the finale as well. MUCH BETTER this time around! That’s a very good paso. For (probably) the least talented season, all of these stars are bringing it tonight! Completion without mistakes! Immediate standing O from very pleased judges (especially Len).
Carson is back…AGAIN! It’s like the fifth time this season since his elimination. He’s designing the dance and he wants it to be to Vogue by Madonna. Anna says he’s Madonna and the pros are his back-up dancers. They pair Maks with him! Carson says he can cross that off the bucket list. He’s going to “let it all hang out,” but not as much as Nancy Grace! This man is a riot. Tom thinks it’ll go viral within 3 minutes. Here he is! Haha Maks and Carson! This is hilariously great! It’s a total mess, but this is just so much fun! WHAT ON EARTH DID I JUST WATCH!? That was all sorts of greatness.
More retrospect–weeks 4-6. Nancy Grace is up! I wonder why they’re putting her before Chaz and David. It’s her foxtrot! That was Nancy’s best dance by far, I thought at least. Something about me always pulls for nancy to do well, and she’s doing fantastically here! Go Nancy!
Next up is Chaz. Buddy Schwimmer is back to join them! Lacey is bouncing between them. That wasn’t horrible! Could’ve been much worse. Chaz came back every single week to support.
DAVID ARQUETTE is back! I liked him. He says he missed dancing, and he’s only dancing to have fun. Daivd and Kym are jioned by the troupe. Happy Days is the song. This is good! Everyone’s improved leaps and bounds! That was a lot of fun.
Lady Antebellum is here! They’re singing Need You Now. Lady Antebellum is one of those groups that really gets music and can sing beautifully live.
More looking back–Halloween week (week 7). Week 8. Hope Solo performs! It’s her “Valerie” performance. I loved this one. Maks and Hope have such great chemistry. The judges are looking extremely pleased. Instant samba’s coming next!
They both take the stage at the same time. It’s the final dances! J.R. is great, but his injury is still evident. Rob and Cheryl were great, BUT I am sick and tired of Rob constantly shaking his butt and pointing and smiling at the judges. CORRUPTION. Len gives them both a standing ovation. He says he rarely does it (ahem, this must be your tenth of the night…). Bruno acknowledges Rob’s butt and says last week he was a long shot, but this week he’s in it to win it. Carrie Ann said it was a great way to end the season, and for one of them it was just a victory dance. I’m impressed until I remember this is the finale and the starts are supposed to be amazing. They were good, certainly NOT amazing. Carson in the crowd says he loved dancing with a Chmerkovskiy, and he’s saving Maks for the afterparty. Can’t tell if Nancy was sarcastic about bringing dancing to her show. SCORES. J.R. and Karina: Carrie Ann – 10 Len – 10 Bruno – 10 – 30 – 102 for everything.
Rob and Cheryl: Carrie Ann – 10 Len – 10 Bruno – 10 – 30. OH PULEASE. Neither one of those was a perfect performance!!!
THE FINAL RESULTS! The winner will be either J.R. or Rob. Rob has improved so much, but I think J.R.’s had it in the bag. I wonder when the last time there were two male stars as the final two….
The winners and new champions of Dancing With the Stars are……………J.R. AND KARINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crowd goes wild! Audience looks thrilled! Sparkles and fire! Karina and J.R. look beyond happy. This is Karina’s first time winning. J.R. thanks America for believing in them. Rob and Cheryl promise to see each other at least once a week and they will remain friends forever. In Cheryl’s book, they won. Whoever gets second on a show always gets no glory. Hooray Mirror Ball trophy! Actual value…nil, symbolic value…oh so much. Thanks for a great season!
Thanks to everyone for sticking with me this season. I’ve tried my best to blog the best I can, and I hope I’ve lived up to your expectations. Please note that I’ve been blogging all season, not MJ, so any problems you have shouldn’t be aimed at her but at me! MJ runs a truly phenomenal blog and I’d like to personally thank her for this opportunity. I hope to continue contributing to the site and I’m sure you’ll all be hearing from me soon!