X Factor Top 12 – Power Rankings – Who Do You Think is Going Home?

You all had the opportunity to vote for your favorites after last night’s X Factor. Who do you think will be going home tonight? Remember: The Bottom 2 vote getters will have to perform a “last chance” song of their choosing for the judges. Each of the panel members votes and if it’s a tie score, the lowest vote getter goes home.

Also, I’d doing an Fun Office Pool for X Factor and you can sign up HERE.

Who will be in the bottom two? And can you second guess the judges choice? Here’s how you all voted last night. Melanie and Drew are tied for 1st place. Can X Factor achieve what Idol has not been able to do since 2007–crown a female winner? I’m thinking yes!

1. Melanie Amaro (tie) 28.93%
1. Drew (tie) 28.93%
3. Josh Krajcik 14.01%
4. Marcus Canty 4.49%
5. Chris Rene 3.76%
6. Lakoda Rayne 3.58%
7. LeRoy Bell 3.34%
8. Astro 3.09%
9. Stacy Frances 2.79
10.Stereo Hogzz – 2.37 (tie)
10.Rachel Crow 2.37 (tie)
10.InTENsity 2.37 (tie)

Melanie, Drew and Josh are the clear favorites this week and would put them at the top of my personal list.  Marcus is a little dark horse. If he keeps up with the good performances, he could finish near the top. Chris Rene has been loosing steam since his audition, but I don’t expect him to go any time soon. I would have put Lakoda Rayne in the bottom 2, but is our poll an indication that they’ve got people?  I’m surprised at how low Rachel has scored, but it could be that the kids who voted for her, aren’t voting in my poll.

So, I’m going to put InTENsity and Lakoda Rayne in my bottom 2 with InTENsity going home. And I’ll probably be totally wrong, as usual.

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!