X Factor Top 11 – Who Do You Think is Going Home?

The X Factor results are coming up in just a few hours. Who do you think is going home? Check out the results of last night’s poll AND my power rank of the remaining 11 contestants.

Here are the results of last night’s poll:

  1. Rachel Crow 26.95%
  2. Melanie Amaro 15.78%
  3. Drew 14.2%
  4. Josh Krajcik 13.85%
  5. Astro 9.44%
  6. LeRoy Bell 6.13%
  7. Chris Rene 4.62%
  8. Lakoda Rayne 4.2%
  9. Marcus Canty 2.89%
  10. Stacy Francis 1.38%
  11. The Stereo Hogzz 0.55%

Here’s my power list for the week

1. Rachel Crow – I hope Simon has learned his lesson. Rachel’s got some serious chops. No more Kidzbop for Rachel, mmmmkay? She could be a serious R&B artist, even at 13. She’s the real deal.
2. Astro – I know he’s just aping his heroes, but I can’t stand the mini-Kanye deal Astro’s got going, It’s inauthentic on a 15 year old. NOT inauthentic are his impressive writing and rapping skills.
3. Melanie Amaro – She’s got a great voice, but I have yet to see star quality from her. I put her third because she nails her vocal, every single time.
4. Drew – I have loved Drew since the beginning, but she’s beginning to bore me a little. She’s going to have to change it up soon to stay in the game. She’s at a disadvantage, because her subtle artistry is not best served by the X Factor glitz and glamor.
5. Chris Rene – I was moved by his “Gangsta Paradise” remix. He’s a much better rapper than singer, but since Astro has the rap artist covered, it would serve Chris better to keep mixing it up.
6. LeRoy Bell – I hope LeRoy sticks to gospelizing rock/pop tunes. That could really be his niche. Last night was his best performance to date.
7. Marcus Canty – I think this dude is underrated. He’s got impressive R&B chops. Now he’s got to find that perfect performance that allow him to break out.
8. Josh Krajcik – I like Josh’s raspy vocals a lot, but his take on John Belushi felt a little karaoke to me.
9. Stacy Francis – I liked Stacy singing an upbeat number–less of an opportunity to go all OTT on our asses. I don’t think she deserves bottom 2 this week, but she may end up there.
10. Lakdoda Rayne – Paula is pushing them as a country group, but they aren’t convincing. And their harmonies are awful.
11. Stereo Hogzz – Stick a fork in them. They’re done.

How would you rate last night’s performances? Who do you think is going home?

About mj santilli 34980 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!