Ha ha ha…how much do you want to bet X Factor producers are behind this latest TMZ “item”:
“X-Factor” judge Paula Abdul secretly instructed Nicole Scherzinger to vote off Rachel Crow last week … just moments before the earth-shattering elimination — and we have proof.
Paula’s mic was down when Nicole was making her decision — but with a little volume tinkering … you can clearly hear Paula whisper to Nicole, “Just let it go to a deadlock.”
Nicole did just that … a decision that sent Rachel Crow packing — and resulted in a torrent of death threats from angry fans everywhere.
Everyone’s blaming Nicole, but the audio raises the question — is Nicole really at fault for sending Rachel home? So we gotta ask …
Nicole already said she didn’t want to vote. Paula was just telling her the easiest way to go about it. I don’t think Nicole would have voted in any case. So, how is this Paula’s fault exactly?