It has all. Come down. To this.
On a serious note, this was one of the least suspenseful results shows, for me at least. I think I realized early on that between the combination of Fifth Harmony/Diamond White/CeCe Frey, it didn’t really matter as none of them can win the show, and whoever doesn’t go home this week, will go home next week. We basically have a top 3 that is set in stone, and it doesn’t change much. As we are constantly reminded, the Top 3 is separated by less than 1 percent, and then I suppose there are the others…
4) Fifth Harmony- I think we can all agree that Fifth Harmony is most likely to be eliminated going into next week. They definitely outsang Diamond in the sing-off, and earned their spot to have one more week, but they’re not going to be able to defeat Carly, Tate, or Emblem3. That being said, Marcus Canty did manage to get a record deal last year, and these girls are FAR better than he was, so maybe not all hope is lost?
3) Emblem3- I think the boys didn’t have the best song choices this week, and they just “made the best” out of it. But when we’re down to the final four acts, they really need some home runs to knock Carly/Tate down a peg. I’m wondering why they haven’t done a Gym Class Heroes cover yet, as that seemed like where they were headed. Another smart move might be for them to do Sunset Boulevard again. I remember Chris Rene was allowed to perform Young Homie last year in competition, so maybe these boys will get lucky and be able to perform their original song. That could be a game changer for them.
2) Carly Rose- I struggled a bit figuring out if it was Carly/Tate, or Tate/Carly. Carly was fantastic last week, and did manage to hold 1st place for two straight weeks. However, Tate was really average last week, and Carly was singing her butt off, and he somehow managed to pass her. I don’t know if Tate’s base has grown a bit, or if Carly’s got lazy, but there’s something to be said for allowing yourself to be surpassed by mediocrity.
1) Tate Stevens- I believe he’s got a huge career in country music ahead of him. He’s super likable. That being said, Living On A Prayer was NOT a good performance by him, and If Tomorrow Never Comes wasn’t the right song (of the choices given). In a race to the top between him and Carly (with Emblem3 nipping at their heels), he’ll need to give his fanbase the “moment” they’ve been waiting for. Can Tate deliver that moment?
How do you feel about X-Factor Top 4? Do you have any more burning questions? What would have happened if Fifth Harmony went AFTER Diamond White? Does Britney Spears have a soul, or is she a robot? If neither, how is it possible she remains so completely neutral on results night when one of her kids goes home? Will Khloe and Mario’s contracts be renewed? Was that Ke$ha or was that CeCe Frey dressed up to look like her?